

Number №3, 2014 - page 92-96

Actuality of new possibilities for prevention of human papillomavirus infectionassociated benign and malignant diseases of the female and male urogenital tract

Kaprin A.D., Trushina O.I., Novikova E.G., Kostin A.A., Muminov Zh.B., Asratov A.T.

One of the priorities of the modern society is a fight against the malignant diseases. The increment of the morbidity with malignant diseases of the uterus cervix was detected at the level of 26.94% in the last 10 years with a most significant trend for women younger than 29 years old. This trend is alarming, given that this contingent is the most active in terms of reproduction and social activity. Human papillomavirus infection is the most prevalent type of the sexually transmitted infections, being present in 80% of sexually active men and women. Some factors are decisive for the search of new prophylactic, diagnostic and treatment modalities: proved etiological role of oncotropic types of papillomavirus in the development of cervical cancer in women, high contagiousness and prevalence of the infection and asymptomatic clinical course, absence of the effective barrier protective measures, age limitations for the vaccination, absence of the strict diagnostic criteria of the genomic viral load with regard to the proliferative activity of the virus. The most effective way to solve this problem is the joint examination of sexual partners and timely applied treatment.

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