

Number №3, 2016 - page 20-25

Bioinert and adhesion properties of materials

Shkodkin S.V., Kogan M.I., Kolpakov A.Ya., Bondarev V.P.

Introduction. The use of internal stents, in order to maintain the lumen of the hollow body, has become widespread in the different sections of surgery, including urology. However, there are negative aspects of the use of internal drainage. Unattainable full bioinertness, direct mechanical effect on the body wall leads to the inflammatory edema, disruption of the microcirculation and peristalsis. Available objective disadvantages of internal stents are pushing the development of structures and the search for materials for the production of stents

Materials and methods. The article is devoted to the experimental study of bioinertness of nanostructured materials namely, two titanium alloys and coatings based on amorphous carbon and atomic silver. The experimental study was performed on 60 adult white laboratory Wistar rats of both sexes, which materials were implanted into the lumen of the bladder. Morphological studies made on the fourteenth (where fade nonspecific inflammatory changes caused by the surgical trauma, and begin tracked features of the inflammatory response, depending on the type of implant) and the thirtieth day (when ends inflammation exudative phase and dominated processes of connective tissue organization apparent specific tissue reaction).

Results and conclusions. A morphological study of the inflammatory response of the bladder wall revealed qualitative and quantitative, statistically significant differences depending on the type of the implanted material. These studies made it possible to allocate 2 observation group. In unprotected metal implants of titanium alloys defined minimum performance bioinert. Best bioinert properties were detected in implants with nanostructured coating based on amorphous carbon and atomic silver.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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implant, bioinertia, inflammation, medical materials

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