

Number №4, 2013 - page 82-84

Combined laparoscopic surgery on kidney: two in one

Kochkin A.D., Sevryukov F.A., Sorokin D.A., Karpuhin I.V., Puchkin A.B., Semenychev D.V.

Problems of the surgical treatment in patients with multiple diseases are discussed for more than half of a century. Besides the minimal invasiveness and rapid rehabilitation of the patients, laparoscopy has one more advantage to denote – the ability to conduct the simultaneous operations, i.e. operations aimed at the correction of the diseases of 2 or more organs at the same time. Given the proper selection of the operation type and patients, the efficacy of the simultaneous operations is beyond any doubts. The same is not be stated about the combined operations for independent diseases of one organ. Literature search failed to identify the publications on the synchronous extraction of the staghorn stone and partial nephrectomy due to tumor. This situation motivated us to present our experience of a such intervention. This article represents a case report with the description of the operation technique. The first experience let us to make a statement perspective nature, efficacy and safety of the aforementioned operations. In selected cases these operations could be accounted for the first-choice method of treatment.

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