

Number №3, 2019 - page 144-150

The effect of complex therapy on the hemodynamics in the prostate gland in patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-3-144-151

Neymark A.I., Maksimova S.S.
Information about authors:
  • Maksimova S.S. – postgraduate student of the Department of Urology and Andrology with courses in specialized surgery, Altai State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; sssmaxi@mail.ru
  • Neymark A.I. – DrSh, professor, head. Department of Urology and Andrology with courses in specialized surgery, Altai State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; urologagmu@mail.ru

Contacts: Maksimova Svetlana Sergeevna, sssmaxi@mail.ru

Objective.The article present comparative analysis of treatment methods for patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.

Material. All the patients were randomly divided into three groups. The first group included 18 (31%) patients who received only basictherapy. The second group included 19 (33%) people who underwent a course of ozone therapy, 10 procedures of daily trans rectal introduction of ozonized olive oil, apart from the basic therapy. The third group included 21 (36%) patients who, apart from basic therapy, underwent a 10- session course of treatment with a respiratory device creating hypercapnic hypoxia effect. Individual records were kept for every patient where the main clinical-anamnestic data, as well as the examination methods and their results were registered. Examination included three visits (before the treatment, immediately after it, and three months later) during which the history was taken, the patients were physically examined, the symptom-based questionnaires were filled in, prostate screening with DRE and TRUS was carried out. Peculiarities of microcirculation in the prostate gland were assessed with the help of laser analyzer of capillary blood flow.

Results. Reduction of pain syndrome and dysuric events were noted in all the groups in the course of treatment, which is a natural effect of the basic therapy. However, clinical effects in the third group were significantly higher. According to the laser Doppler flowmetry data, there were the main microcirculation disturbances marked at the projecting point of the prostate gland before the treatment, and their positive changes after the treatment.

Conclusion. It was achieved through the improved arterial blood flow, increased blood perfusion and the volume of blood in the arterioles, increased blood inflow into the microcirculation system,reduced hypoxia and ischemia in the tissues, and improved active regulation of blood flow. Key words: chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, ozone therapy, hypercapnia, hypoxia, microcirculation in the prostate gland.

For citation: Maksimova S.S., Neymark A.I. The effect of complex therapy on the hemodynamics in the prostate gland in patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. Experimental and clinical urology 2019;(3):144-151

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chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, ozone therapy, hypercapnia, hypoxia, microcirculation in the prostate gland

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