

Number №3, 2015 - page 18-21

Functional interrelation and commonness in the regulation of the urinary bladder and prostate

Kirpatovskiy V.I., Bablumyan A.Yu., Mudraya I.S., Kabanova I.V., Nadtochiy O.N., Frolova E.V.

Acute and chronical experiments were carried out using 30 white inbreed male rats. Blood circulation and neurogenic vegetative regulation of the bladder and prostate were studied in the normal conditions at the different filling of the bladder (full, empty) and also in the models of pathologic conditions (acute urinary retention, benign prostatic hyperplasia). Overfilling the bladder influenced the blood supply both to the bladder itself and to the prostate. In intact animals this led to the increase in the blood supply, in animals with acute urinary retention (AUR) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – to deterioration of blood supply. Activities of neurogenic regulation of bladder and prostate were also interrelated by different filling of the bladder and prostate in case of AUR and BPH. Cyclic changes in the tonus of bladder and prostate in different filling phases were in both intact and ill animals synchronized: rise in intravesical pressure led to the increase of prostate tonus. This indicates the commonalities in the functional regulation of these organs and allows considering urinary bladder and prostate as sole anatomical and functional system.

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