
Privacy polity


I. Authors and reviewers

1.1. Peer review of articles implies the respect for the confidentiality of authors. The authors entrust to the editors the results of their scientific work, on which their reputation, career and relationships with the professional community may depend. All information contained in a manuscript or draft scientific material accepted for subsequent publication is considered confidential until published in open sources. The rights of authors should not be violated during the peer review of their manuscript. The editor should respect the privacy of authors and reviewers. Confidentiality can only be violated to counter fraud and deception, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The editorial board does not provide information, with the exception of authors and reviewers, about scientific articles prior to their publication in the journal (including their receipt, content, status in the review process, criticism of reviewers and the final fate).

1.3. The editorial board is obliged to notify their reviewers that the materials submitted for peer review are confidential information and private property of the authors. Reviewers and editors are required to respect the rights of authors and not publicly discuss the authors work until it is published. Reviewers and editorial staff are prohibited from copying manuscripts and transferring them to third parties, unless authorized by the chief editor and / or author. Any comments of the reviewer should not be published or made public in any other way without the consent of the reviewer, the author and the editor, the comments are provided only to the authors.

1.4. Reviewers are anonymous to authors. Authors receive a peer review without a signature of the expert who performed it; the identity of the reviewer should not be disclosed to the author or other persons.

1.5. The editorial board does not publish comments of a reviewer together with the materials of the article without the consent of the authors and reviewers. The comments of the reviewer can be sent to other persons who are reviewing the same scientific article, which may contribute to their development in the review process. In addition, reviewers can be informed of the editor’s decision to accept or reject the publication of a scientific article.

II. Collection and storage of authors personal data

2.1. Personal data is provided by authors voluntarily and includes the following information:

  • surname, name;
  • the author’s e-mail address (e-mail);
  • author’s address;
  • author’s phone-number;
  • place and position of the author.

2.2. The purpose of obtaining the author’s personal data is to establish feedback with the author.

2.3. Personal data is used strictly for the purpose specified in the clause 2.2.

2.4. The authors personal data is not transferred to any third parties, with the exception of cases provided for by this Privacy Policy and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.5. The user’s personal data may be transferred to authorized persons of the Russian Federation public authorities only on the grounds and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.6. In case of loss or disclosure of personal data, the editors inform the authors about their loss or disclosure.

2.7. The editorial board takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the personal information of the authors from unlawful or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties.

2.8. The editorial board together with the authors take all necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of the User’s personal data.

III. Patient Data

3.1. Patients have the right to protect personal information, which cannot be disclosed without informed consent.

3.2. Personal information, including names, initials or numbers of medical records, should not be published either in writing form or in the form of photographs, unless it is unique and necessary for scientific purposes, and the patient (parent or guardian) has provided written informed consent for the publication.

3.3. Authors should inform the patient about the publication of his health information, illness, about the inaccessibility of personal information on the Internet / in print media after the manuscript publication. In order to maintain better protection of the patients’ confidentiality, the patients’ written consent may be kept with the authors. In this case, the authors must notify the journal editors in writing form, that they have received written informed consent from the patients.

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