

Number №1, 2013 - page 44-51

Optimization of diagnosis of inflammatory prostate diseases using an interdisciplinary approach

Tyuzikov I.A., Grekov E.A., Kalinchenko S.Yu., Martov A.G.

Pathogenesis of the prostatic inflammatory diseases (PID) is not fully understood, and the incidence is underestimated. the efficacy of the medical treatment is quite low which induces the decrease in a life quality. Infection agent determination is considered of a major diagnostic value, while this could be not insufficient. In this lecture we present our own concept of the PID pathogenesis, which is based on the fact, that prostate is a typical androgen-dependent organ, and the level of the internal testosterone determines all of the main functions within it, which could be altered in case of chronic inflammation, moreover could provoke this inflammation.

Thus, we consider necessary to estimate the general hormonal and metabolic background, on which the inflammation starts and developes in the prostate. this could be reached by more active utilization of the androgen deficit state estimation (and it’s causes) in the practice of ambulatory urology. this means minimal, but reasonable individual hormonal evaluation.

Authors consider that the breakthrough could be only possible in this area in case of interdisciplinary corroboration, which can help clinicians to optimize and individualise methods of the diagnostics of PID and shi the treatment and prophylaxis from the symptomatic to pathogenetic.

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