

Номер №3, 2018

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Experience of training of doctors of the city polyclinic in the profile of urology
Z.Kh. Agamov


The role of stem cells in the treatment of urinary incontinence: literature review
D.M. Nitkin, F.F. Gres, A.G. Kweten


A сomparative analysis of various methods of hemostasis in the treatment of neurovascular bundles during nerve-sparing extraperitoneal endovideosurgical radical prostatectomy
S.V. Popov, I.N. Orlov, P.V. Vyazovtsev, M.B. Borisenkov, I.V. Sushina, E.A. Grin, A.M. Gulko

Optimization of functional results of radical prostatectomy. Rehabilitation programs for patients
I.A. Aboyan, Yu.N. Orlov, S.M. Pakus, D.I. Pakus, V.E. Aboyan


PCNL in positive urine culture: surgery or drain?
I.A. Gorgotskiy, D.D. Shkarupa, A.G. Shkarupa, N.P. Yarova, N.D. Kubin, A.D. Petrov


Urolithiasis and cardiovascular diseases: only a statistical link or a common pathogenetic mechanism?
M.Y. Prosyannikov, N.V. Anokhin, S.A. Golovanov, V.I. Kirpatovskiy, A.V. Sivkov, O.V. Konstantinova, K.V. Ivanov, O.I. Apolikhin


Immunocorrecting effect of combined use of magnetolaser therapy and red light in the complex treatment of patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis
T.V. Kulishova, A.I. Neimark, A.A. Kryanga, A.V. Gazamatov

Pathozoospermia risk assessment at men in measurement of endocrine disruptors – bisphenol A and triclosan in semen by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
S.V. Chigrinets, G.V. Bryukhin

Clinical and morphological parallels in chronic bacterial prostatitis
V.N. Krupin., A.V. Krupin, A.N. Belova

Premature ejaculation: the current state of the field
S.V. Popov, I.N. Orlov, P.V. Vyazovtsev, E.A. Grin, A.M. Gulko

Assessment of the rigidity of penis using magnetodynamic pressure indicator
S.V. Ivanov, A.V. Krasnov, S.S. Ivanov, B.Yu. Alexandrov, N.G. Piletskiy, R.S. Ovchinnikov, Yu.A. Matvienko, I.A. Pyatnitskiy, A.N. Schwarz, E. Kharlamov

Antioxidants in the treatment of patients with male reproductive system inflammatory disorders complicated by excretory-toxic form of infertility
S.V. Vybornov, F.R. Asfandiyarov, K.S. Seidov, V.A. Kruglov


Bilateral laparoscopic removal of the transplanted kidney. Clinical case
R.N. Trushkin, A.E. Lubennikov, D.A. Kuvyrdin


Experience of testicular prosthetics in children and adolescents: the results of a multicenter study
I.S. Shormanov, D.N. Schedrov, S.V. Kulikov, S.Yu. Komarova, V.V. Sizonov, I.M. Kagantsov, D.E. Sablin, N.V. Markov A.A. Sobolevsky, P.N. Polyakov, K.Yu. Okopny


Nitrofurans in the urological practice: are they all the same and why are we getting back to them today?
T.S. Perepanova

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