

Number №1, 2017

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Principles of «4P Medicine» in the organization of health care in the context of urological diseasesApolihin O.I., Katibov M.I., Shaderkin I.A., Prosyannikov M.Yu.
page 4-8 Download


Changes in the electrolyte composition of urine under the influence of sodium hypochlorite. The possibility of reducing the risk of recurrence of nephrolithiasisIvaschenko V.V., Kirpatovskiy V.I., Kalabekov A.A., Kazachenko A.V., Grebenkin M.V., Golovanov S.A., Drozhzheva V.V.
page 10-15 Download
Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the polyurethane and PGA biodegradable stents in the pyeloureteral segment plastic surgeryMyltygashev M.P., Boyandin A.N., Kapsargin F.P., Shishackaya E.I., Kirichenko A.K., Shumilova A.A., Volova T.G.
page 16-20 Download
The importance of the proteomic composition of urine in urinary tract diseases. Literature reviewZaharova N.B., Pastushkova L.H., Larina I.M., Kashirina D.N., Lyah R.N., Popkov V.M.
page 22-29 Download


The results of a ten-year monitoring of patients with locally advanced urinary bladder cancerStarcev V.Yu., Kolmakov A.Yu., Sosnovskiy I.B., Shirvari I.I., Kutyan V.F., Samko V.R.
page 30-36 Download
Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as an indicator of prostate cancer in biopsy testsShatylko T.V., Popkov V.M., Korolev A.Yu., Fomkin R.N., Polozov A.B.
page 37-41 Download
A method of treating patients with high-risk progression localized prostate cancerFaenson A.V., Solnceva A.A., Durickiy M.N., Shevchenko A.N., Shvyrev D.A.
page 42-44 Download


Analysis of dietary stereotype in patients with urolithiasisProsyannikov M.Yu., Shaderkin I.A., Konstantinova O.V., Golovanov S.A., Anohin N.V., Zelenskiy M.M., Voytko D.A., Galiev N.A., Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V.
page 46-50 Download
Metabolic risk factors and urinary stone formationGolovanov S.A., Sivkov A.V., Drozhzheva V.V., Anohin N.V.
page 52-57 Download


Choice of the optimal method of upper urinary tract drainage in patients with acute obstructive pyelonephritisIvanov V.Yu., Malhasyan V.A., Semenyakin I.V., Gadzhiev N.K., Tedeev A.V., Pushkar' D.Yu.
page 58-66 Download


Diagnostic capabilities of penile scintigraphy in patients with vasculogenic erectile dysfunctionKaprin A.D., Kostin A.A., Kul'chenko N.G., Fomin D.K., Popov S.V., Kruglov D.P., Mangutov F.Sh.
page 68-72 Download
Metabolic syndrome: its influence on benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) progression, lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and the effectiveness of BPH treatment. Literature reviewKirpatovskiy V.I., Chochuev O.S., Nadtochiy O.N., Frolova E.V., Kazachenko A.V., Sivkov A.V.
page 74-83 Download
Features of the neuro-vegetative reactivity of men with chronic pelvic pain syndromeShormanov I.S., Mozhanov I.I., Sokolova H.A.
page 84-89 Download
Potential risks of testostetone replacement therapyEfremov E.A., Krasnyak S.S.
page 90-96 Download
Varicose veins of the prostate in patients with varicoceleKapto A.A.
page 98-103 Download


Genital prolapse: contemporary aspects of surgical treatment (literature review)Vasin R. V., Filimonov V.B., Vasina I.V.
page 104-115 Download
Laparoscopic uretero-ureteroanastomosis with it’s own ureter of the recipientTrushkin R.N., Lubennikov A.E., Kolesnikov N.O.
page 116-119 Download
Surgical treatment of ureterovaginal fistulae using vaginal access: literature review and a clinical caseEliseev D.E.
page 120-125 Download


Predictors of progression of chronic kidney disease in children with malformations of urinary systemAhmetshin R.Z.
page 126-130 Download

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