

Number №1, 2017 - page 10-15

Changes in the electrolyte composition of urine under the influence of sodium hypochlorite. The possibility of reducing the risk of recurrence of nephrolithiasis

Ivaschenko V.V., Kirpatovskiy V.I., Kalabekov A.A., Kazachenko A.V., Grebenkin M.V., Golovanov S.A., Drozhzheva V.V.

The aim of the research. Experimental study of the sodium hypochlorite (SH) effect on the blood and urine electrolyte composition, cations and anions, that are part of the urinary stones, which are recognized risk factors for urolithiasis.

Materials and methods. The study was performed on 35 white mongrel rats weighing 249-450 grams. The group of intact animals included 5 rats, they are not subjected to any stress. The control group consisted of 15 rats. They for 4 days intraperi-toneally received 1.5 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Experimental group consisted of 15 rats. In that group for 4 days intraperitoneall injections with 1.5 ml of 0.06% (2.2-2.5 mg / kg / day) SH solution were made. The dynamics parameters of blood and urine: creatinine, urea, potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, uric acid have been investigated.

Results. The experimental results on rats showed that parenteral administration 0.06% solution of SH significantly reduces urinary concentration lithogenic substances. Positive effect was achieved as a result of the SH system adaptogenic effect: activation energy depended and reparative-anabolic processes.

Conclusions. Mechanism adaptogenic effect of SH can be used to reduce urinary lithogenic activity in patients with high risk of recurrence of urinary stones.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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sodium hypochlorite, urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis

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