

Number №2, 2015

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Analysis of uronephrological morbidity and mortality in Russian Federation for 2003-2013Kaprin A.D., Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Moskaleva N.G., Solnceva T.V., Komarova V.A.
page 4-12 Download
Prostate cancer screening: evaluation of clinical and economic effectivenessApolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Katibov M.I., Roschin D.A., Shaderkin I.A., Koryakin A.V.
page 20-24 Download
Developing of the long-term model for restructuring of the urological bed resources in the Voronezh regionObrazcova E.E., Ivanov V.M., Zolotuhin O.V., Shaderkin I.A., Anosova Yu.A., Madykin Yu.Yu., Kochetov M.V.
page 14-19 Download


Experimental study of the influence of the shock-wave therapy on the antibiotic delivery to the prostateGarilevich B.A., Kirpatovskiy V.I., Kudryavcev Yu.V., Sinyuhin V.N.
page 26-29 Download


The first Russian experience of using PCA3 and TMPRSS2-ERG for prostate cancer diagnosisApolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Efremov G.D., Mihaylenko D.S., Shaderkin I.A., Voytko D.A., Prosyannikov M.Yu., Grigor'eva M.V.
page 30-36 Download
Guidelines for prostate cancer treatment using the low-dosage permanent tissue radiation therapy (brachitherapy). Expert meeting of the Russian Brachitherapeutic Society (RBS), 4th October 2014, MoscowZyryanov A.V., Oschepkov V.N., Sviridov P.V., Baranov A.V., Biryukov V.A., Korotkov V.A., Vishninskiy A.A., Gorelov V.P., Guspanov R.I., Dadashev E.O., Zabolotnov K.Yu, Zagidullin A.A., Zaycev A.V., Zuev O.V., Ivanov V.Yu., Karnauh P.A., Koryakin A.V., Morov O.V., Petrovskiy A.V., Ponomarev A.V., Sanin D.B., Trachuk I.I., Faenson A.V., Halatov A.S., Halikov R.A., Cybul'skiy A.D.
page 37-48 Download
The level of Epstein-Barr virus antibodies in pathients with bladder cancerLoran O.B., Sinyakova L.A., Gundorova L.V., Kosov V.A., Kosova I.V., Kolbasov D.N., Zernov V.O., Goncharov A.A., Kandinova Yu.V.
page 48-51 Download
Extracorporeal resection of the kidney in the setting of the pharmacological and cold temperature ischemia with orthotopic replantation of the vessels without ureter transaction in patients with renal cell carcinomaTeplov A.A., Grickevich A.A., P'yanikin S.S., Zotikov A.E., Adyrhaev Z.A., Kozhanova A.V., Askerova A.N., Vetsheva N.N., Timina I.E., Stepanova A.Yu., Karmazanovskiy G.G., Pokrovskiy A.V., Kubyshkin V.A.
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Long-term outcomes of ureter endoprothesisGuliev B.G., Zagazezhev A.V.
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Correlation of unilateral and bilateral urolithiasis and genetic factorsApolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Konstantinova O.V., Slominskiy P.A., Tupicyna T.V., Kalinichenko D.N.
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Approaches to the urine lithogenicity assessment in patients with oxalate urolithiasisGolovanov S.A., Sivkov A.V., Anohin N.V., Drozhzheva V.V.
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Metaphilactics of the infectious kidney stones after percutaneous nephrolithotripsyRadzhabov U.A., Perepanova T.S.
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Crystalluria urate and calcium during oxalate urolithiasisKonstantinova O.V., Shaderkina V.A.
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The primary methods of noninvasive evaluation of the lower urinary tract disorders in BPH patients (literature review)Bablumyan A.Yu., Kamalov A.A.
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Distant education in andrology: history, reality, perspectivesKazachenko A.V., Shaderkin I.A., Krasnyak S.S., Kasatonova E.V.
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Comparative study of original questionnaires in assessment of Premature Ejaculation indexAkilov F.A., Mahmudov A.T., Shavahabov T.T., Mirhamidov D.H.
page 102-107 Download


Remarks to the reasons of urogenital tuberculosis late detectionKul'chavenya E.V., Shaderkin I.A., Krasnov V.A., Shevchenko S.Yu., Baranchukova A.A., Shaderkina V.A.
page 108-113 Download
The inguinal suppurative funiculitis. Clinical observation reviewProhorov A.V.
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Single troakar retroperitoneoscopic access in kidney’s calyceal diverticulum treatment in childhoodAkramov N.R., Baybikov R.S.
page 119-123 Download


The clinical outcomes of the modern minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of the female pelvic organ prolapsLoran O.B., Seregin A.V., Dovlatov Z.A.
page 124-130 Download
Minimally invasive sling surgery in patients with stress urinary incontinenceKupriyanov Yu.A., Tupikina N.V., Kasyan G.R., Gvozdev M.Yu., Godunov B.N., Pushkar' D.Yu.
page 131-140 Download

Innovation in Urology

mHealth – the new opportunities of telecommunication technologies in health careShaderkin I.A., Coy A.A., Sivkov A.V., Shaderkina V.A., Prosyannikov M.Yu., Voytko D.A., Zelenskiy M.M.
page 142-148 Download

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