

Number №2, 2015 - page 26-29

Experimental study of the influence of the shock-wave therapy on the antibiotic delivery to the prostate

Garilevich B.A., Kirpatovskiy V.I., Kudryavcev Yu.V., Sinyuhin V.N.

In the experiment with 32 male rats we have investigated the action of the low-intensity shock waves (LISW) in the prostate area at the hemodynamics and metabolism of the prostate and also at the tissue penetrability for the antibiotics. The assumption was the possible application of this method in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis. Intraorgan microcirculation was assessed based on the morphometric parameters, on the intensity of the aerobe metabolism and tissue activity of succinatdegidrogenase (SDG) and glucose-6-phosphate-degidrogenase (G6-F-DG), which are the key enzymes of the Krebs cycle and pentosemonophosphate ways, correspondingly. Penetrability of the prostate tissue for antibiotics was assessed based on the gentamicin concentration ratio, injected before the LISW, calculated for prostate and blood. Our results show, that already in 1 hour after LISW the diameter of the microcirculation vessels was larger, which reflects the growth of microcirculation. Activity of SDG and G6-F-DG was increased starting from the day 1 after LISW and was growing following 3 weeks. This background caused the accumulation of the injected gentamicin in the prostate tissue and was dependent on the LISW regimen. The application of 1000 impulses with the power 100 Bar led to increase in tissue concentration of gentamicin from 32 up to 2000 mkg/g of tissue, the application of 1500 impulses – up to 3800 mkg/g.The ratio increment was from 2.5 up to 54 and 96 with 1000 and 1500 impulses, correspondingly.

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