

Number №2, 2015 - page 119-123

Single troakar retroperitoneoscopic access in kidney’s calyceal diverticulum treatment in childhood

Akramov N.R., Baybikov R.S.

Calyceal diverticulum of the kidney diagnosed in children are extremely rare. This pathology can mimic other cystic renal lesion (simple, multiple cysts, polycystic et al.). In this connection, the correct diagnosis is difficult to establish. Handshaking in the study between the cystic cavity and pyelocalyceal system is the key for the diagnosis of calyceal diverticulum. In this report we present a case of treatment of calyceal diverticulum in a child with an initial diagnosis of a ultrasound of simple renal cysts. After confirming expression of the growth of kidney cyst, one year after its detection was performed computed tomography of the kidneys with contrast, which allowed a correct diagnosis and to conduct treatment using endovideosurgical single troakar retroperitoneoscopic access.

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