

Number №2, 2015 - page 37-48

Guidelines for prostate cancer treatment using the low-dosage permanent tissue radiation therapy (brachitherapy). Expert meeting of the Russian Brachitherapeutic Society (RBS), 4th October 2014, Moscow

Zyryanov A.V., Oschepkov V.N., Sviridov P.V., Baranov A.V., Biryukov V.A., Korotkov V.A., Vishninskiy A.A., Gorelov V.P., Guspanov R.I., Dadashev E.O., Zabolotnov K.Yu, Zagidullin A.A., Zaycev A.V., Zuev O.V., Ivanov V.Yu., Karnauh P.A., Koryakin A.V., Morov O.V., Petrovskiy A.V., Ponomarev A.V., Sanin D.B., Trachuk I.I., Faenson A.V., Halatov A.S., Halikov R.A., Cybul'skiy A.D.

The guidelines for treatment of prostate cancer using the low-dosage permanent tissue radiation therapy (brachytherapy) approved during the expert meeting of the Russian Brachy-therapeutic Society on 4th October 2014 are presented in this article. The references are given to the guidelines for the technology of prostate brachytherapy from years 2006, 2009 and 2010. The questions of the diagnostics and patient selection for brachytherapy are discussed, indications and contraindications are defined for the brachytherapy. The indication for the brachytherapy is a histologically confirmed prostate cancer. Absolute contraindications for brachytherapy are outlined. The monotherapy regimen and possible combination therapy using the radiation therapy, hormonal treatment and lymphadenectomy are discussed. The treatment tactic is evaluated with regard to the prostate cancer progression risk. The procedure stages including seed implantation, volumetry, preoperative dosimetry, anesthesia, and possible complications and their prophylaxis are described. The quality control criteria and necessary parameters of postimplantation dosimetry are presented. Criteria of the biochemical recurrence and frequency of PSA controls postoperatively are also outlined.

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