

Number №4, 2011 - page 4-11

Analysis of urological and nephrological disease incidence in kids in Russian Federation due to official statistics (1999-2009)

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Moskaleva N.G., Komarova V.A.

Present study dedicated to analysis of urological and nephrological disease incidence in Russian Federation in recent years (2004–2009) according to Health care and social development department official statistics, specialized regional institutions and federal government sta-tistics department reports.

Urinary tract diseases, glomerular, tubulointersticial, other diseases of kidneys and ureter, renal failure, urolithiasis, kidney and male genitalia malignant tumors incidences were analyzed. Kidney and male genitalia malignant tumors prevalence, dynamics and oncological mortality rates in 2004–2009 were analyzed. Maximum and minimum rates of urological diseases occur-rence in absolute scores and per 100 000 of children population in Russian Federation and federal districts for each category of patients were determined. Analysis of statistical data on morbidity uronephrological diseases in children (0-14 years old) revealed this parameters have tendency to stabilization. Morbidity of children of glomerular, tu-bulointersticial diseases decreased during this period at 1.13 times. Incidence rates of renal fail-ure and urolithiasis in child population (0-14 years), is slightly changed in admissible limits. The most severe group of patients with childhood malignant neoplasms of the urogenital tract showed a trend of gradual but progressive increase in the number of children with cancer. Also some sta-bilization of growth rates for kidney cancer per 100 000 of children population noted. The inci-dence of testicular cancer isn’t stable but its dynamics is a wavelike process.

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