

Number №4, 2011 - page 12-15

The structure of urological diseases in a population of HIV-infected patients

Maksimov V.A., Stranadko M.V., Misyakova O.A., Yarovoy S.K.

The paper analyzes the statistics of Moscow City Clinical Hospital № 47, in providing urological care for 352 HIV-infected patients during the period June 1996 to May 2011.

It was estimated the dynamics of hospitalisation of HIV-infected patients in the urological clinic, studied the distribution of urological diseases in these patients. Predominance of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system was noted, requiring the immediate start of antibiotic therapy in the empirical mode, in some cases, emergency surgery. Kidney stones, noncomplicated by obstructive pyelonephritis (uncomplicated renal colic) play significant role in the structure of urological nosologies. Acute pyelonephritis (41.5%) and acute epipididimitis (30.1%) prevail among infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. The frequency of acute prostatitis is low (13.8%) and 2.15 times lower than the frequency of acute epididymitis and orhoepididimitis. Predisposition to acute infectious-inflammatory diseases of the scrotum was revealed as a feature of HIV-infected patients.

Article also includes analysis of the main approaches to the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in HIVinfected patients. Additionally the most significant drug interactions of antiretroviral drugs and drugs used in urologic practice were marked.

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