

Number №4, 2024 - page 76-82

Androgen receptors in the development and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2024-17-4-76-82

For citation: Esin A.V., Zolotukhin O.V., Madykin Yu.Yu., Avdeev A.I. Androgen receptors in the development and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2024;17(4):76-82; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2024-17-4-76-82
Esin A.V., Zolotukhin O.V., Madykin Yu.Yu., Avdeev A.I.
Information about authors:
  • Esin A.V. – Urologist of the Department of Public Health No. 1; Voronezh, Chief freelance specialist in urology in the Voronezh City District, Ministry of Health of the Voronezh Region, Russia; Voronezh, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1084191, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0064-1433
  • Zolotukhin O.V. – Dr. Sci., Deputy Chief Physician for the medical part of the Department of Medical Education No. 1, Chief Freelance Specialist in Urology of the Ministry of Health of the Voronezh Region, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Urology of the N.N.Burdenko VSMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Voronezh, Russia; RSCI Author ID 327877, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6742-3142
  • Madykin Yu.Yu. – urologist of the Department of Public Health No. 1, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Urology of the N.N.Burdenko State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief freelance specialist in Reproductive Health of the Ministry of Health of the Voronezh Region; Voronezh, Russia; RSCI Author ID 730862, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1178-2610
  • Avdeev A.I. – urologist of the Department of Medical Sciences No. 1, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Urology of the N.N.Burdenko State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Voronezh, Russia; RSCI Author ID 850892, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2725-4188

Introduction. One of the most common urological diseases of aging men is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Androgens and androgen receptors (AR) are essential for the proper development and functioning of the prostate of an adult, and research is ongoing to understand the mechanisms involved in androgen availability, transport and activity of AR in the prostate.

The aim. To review current research on evidence of the involvement of androgen receptors in the development and progression of BPH.

Materials and methods. Using the databases eLibrary, PubMed, Cochrane Collaboration and Embase, the search and analysis of publications over the past 20 years have been carried out. The key words were: benign prostatic hyperplasia; BPH; prostate; androgens; androgen receptors. The inclusion criteria were: prospective (cohort) studies and randomized clinical trials. The total number of sources included in this review was 40.

Results. The review highlights the following sections: anatomy and function of pancreas, the role of androgens (A) and AR in the development and progression of BPH, unresolved issues of BPH pathogenesis, conclusions. An analysis of the work showed that changes in the expression/transmission of AR signals play an important role in the pathogenesis of BPH. However, there are still questions that need to be answered. Is BPH caused by the «awakening» of the pancreatic stroma with increased AR expression? Can BPH be initiated by a violation of AR signaling in the cells of the pancreatic lumen? On the one hand, many studies have proven a positive relationship between AR activity and the progression of BPH, however, there are works demonstrating alternative conclusions, consisting in the fact that suppression of AR activity, increased inflammation in the pancreas contribute to increased cell proliferation, and the progression of BPH.

Conclusion. The mechanisms of AR involvement in the development and progression of BPH have not yet been clarified. New research in this area is needed.

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benign prostatic hyperplasia; BPH; prostate; androgens; androgen receptors

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