

Number №4, 2014 - page 16-21

Comparison of analysis details for open, laparoscopic and robot-assisted nephrectomy in the kidney cancer

Mosoyan M.S.

Introduction. Nephrectomy could be performed using open (ON), laparoscopic (LN) and robot-assisted (RAN) techniques. All methods provide a durable cure from the cancer, nevertheless the tendency of the last years is to use the minimally invasive approaches. The aim of our study was to compare these three techniques in patients with localized renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

Matetials and methods. In patients with T1-2N0M0 RCC we have performed 73 ON, 10 LN and 23 RAN operations. The main clinical parameters were under consideration, including creatinine level and glomerular filtration rate, operation time, blood loss and hospitalization duration.

Results. The mean operation time was less for ON, than for LN and RAN (139.5, 184.5 and 152.5 minutes, correspondingly). Mean blood loss was significantly more for ON (447 ml), than for LN and RAN (302 and 213, correspondingly). The increment of creatinine was 44.7%, 52.2% and 52.9% for ON, LN and RAN, correspondingly. Hospitalization duration was more for ON group (12 days), than for LN (8) and RAN (7).

Conclusions. As the consequence of the ON, LN and RAN we have observed the transitory decompensation of the renal excretion for the contralateral kidney. Given the operation time is less for ON, blood loss and hospitalization duration favor LN and RAN. Therefore, the minimally invasive techniques are more desirable in terms of the results, which are comparable for these techniques.

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