

Number №1, 2012 - page 57-62

Comprehensive prevention of thromboembolic complications in urologic patients

Chernyshev I.V., Perepechin D.V.

The article presents a program of prevention of thromboembolic complications with the use of compression hosiery, which was held in the Federal State Institution "Research Institute of Urology" in 2010 to 2011. The programme aim was improving patient outcomes by reducing the thrombotic complications by using the integrated prevention of compression hosiery. The data of 1872 patients were analyzed to assess the clinical efficacy and safety of compression hosiery. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group was prospectively and included 1102 patients operated on for urological diseases. This group consisted of patients who at the time of surgery and postoperative period was used compression stockings. For comparison thromboembolic complications were analyzed in the second group of patients operated on in 2009. They did not use the compression hosiery. The introduction of compression hosiery in an complex algorithm of thromboprophylaxis in urological patients allowed to reduce the incidence of thromboembolic complications of surgery. These differences were statistically significant. The use of compression hosiery is well tolerated by patients, there is no subjective discomfort, it is safe and comfortable. Application of compression hosiery during surgery is more effective than the use of elastic bandages in patients with urological diseases. Compression hosiery is an important part of thromboprophylaxis in surgical urology and may be recommended for widespread using.

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