

Number №1, 2018 - page 48-58

The effectiveness and the mechanism of action of Indigal, Indigalplus, Infemin in prostate cancer DOI: Doi 10.29188/2222-8543-2018-9-1-48-58

Sivkov A.V., Kirpatovskiy V.I.
Information about authors:
  • A.V. Sivkov – PhD., Deputy Director of N.A. Lopatkin Scientific Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology – Branch of the National Medical Research Centre of Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, e-mail: uroinfo@yandex.ru
  • V.I. Kirpatovskiy – Dr. Sc., professor, head of the experimental urology department of N.A. Lopatkin Scientific Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology – Branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, e-mail: vladkirp@yandex.ru

Aim: The literature review dedicated to the analysis of action of Indigal and Indigal Plus drugs and their active components in patients with chronic diseases of the prostate, such as chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) accompanied by mild/severe forms of intraepithelial prostatic neoplasia (PIN), as well as prostate cancer.

Subject. We used scientific publications from PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus related to experimental and clinical studies on the mechanism of action of active compounds of Indigal: indole-3-carbinol (I3C), its metabolite 3,3′-diindolylmethane (DIM), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and also the extract from Serenoa repens palm, which is a component of Indigal plus.

Results. The components of Indigal and Indigal plus have a strong anti-inflammatory action and participate in regulating cell proliferation, which promotes the relief of symptoms caused by chronic prostatitis, reduces PIN in patients with BPH and slows the proliferation of tumor cells. Cellular mechanisms of chemoprophylactic action of the drugs and their clinical effectiveness are also re-viewed.

Conclusion. The use of nutriceuticals for anti-tumor therapy is a perspective field for further studies. Combined administration of different nutriceuticals (like in Indigal) exerts a much stronger effect, in comparison with the administration of nutriceuticals discretely. Further research on the anti-tumor action of Indigal is required.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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Indigal, Indigal-plus, Infemin, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), prostate cancer, chemoprophylaxis of prostate cancer, indole-3-carbinol, 3,3'-diindolylmethane, DIM, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, Serenoa repens extract

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