

Number №5, 2020 - page 42-45

Endoscopic removal of a papillary tumor of the ureter in a patient with polyneoplasia DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2020-13-5-42-45

For citation: Martov A.G., Ergakov D.V., Muzhetskaya N.G., Biktimirov R.G., Andronov A.S., Shoaydarov M.A. Endoscopic removal of a papillary tumor of the ureter in a patient with polyneoplasia. Experimental and Clinical Urology, 2020;13(5):42-45, https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2020-13-5-42-45
Martov A.G., Ergakov D.V., Muzheckaya N.G., Biktimirov R.G., Andronov A.S., Shoaydarov M.A.
Information about authors:
  • Martov A.G. – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of urology and andrology department of the A.I. Burnazyan Federal state medical center of FMBA of Russia, head of the department of urology (minimally invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases) of D.D. Pletnev Moscow city hospital; 
  • Ergakov D.V. – PhD, Associate Professor of urology and andrology department of the A.I. Burnazyan Federal state medical center of FMBA of Russia, doctor of the department of urology (minimally invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases) of D.D. Pletnev Moscow city hospital; 
  • Muzhetskaya N.G. – postgraduate student of urology and andrology department of the A.I. Burnazyan Federal state medical center of FMBA of Russia; urologist.
  • Biktimirov R.G. – Ph.D, Associate Professor of urology and andrology department of the A.I. Burnazyan Federal state medical center of FMBA of Russia; urologist;
  • Andronov A.S. – PhD, Assistant of urology and andrology department of the A.I. Burnazyan Federal state medical center of FMBA of Russia, doctor of the department of urology (minimally invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases) of D.D. Pletnev Moscow city hospital; 
  • Shoaydarov M.A. – Postgraduate student of urology and andrology department of the A.I. Burnazyan Federal state medical center of FMBA of Russia, urologist;

Introduction. Detection of metachronic tumors in patients who underwent radical surgery for oncological reasons is extremely important not only in oncology, but also in medicine in general. In this report, we present a case of clinical manifestation of urothelial carcinoma of the right ureter 21 months after the removal of melanoma and 6 months after radical prostatectomy.

Materials and methods. A rare case of a 55-year-old man with a diagnosed polyneoplasia (primary multiple malignant tumors) is demonstrated. A patient with a history of melanoma of the left suprascapular region and prostate cancer diagnosed a year later, subsequently developed a papillary tumor of the right ureter 6 months after it. The tumor of the ureter manifested by macrohematuria. Examination revealed a right-sided ureterohydronephrosis.

Results. Computed virtual chromoendoscopy-assisted ureteroscopy provided not only an accurate diagnosis and improved visualization of the tumor borders but also a holmium laser vaporization of the ureter. Follow-up of the patient in the next 5 years revealed recurrence neither of melanoma and prostate cancer, nor urothelial cancer of the right ureter or the bladder.

Discussion. This clinical case is interesting due to the rare combination of three cancers in one patient within a relatively short time interval. The use of modern optical and computer technologies made it possible not only to carry out early diagnosis of papillary ureteral cancer, but also to carry out a more radical removal of the tumor.

Conclusion. This observation illustrates the necessity of a thorough evaluation of cancer patients without adherence to the site of the primary disease.

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metachronic cancer; ureteroscopy; papillary urothelial carcinoma; laser vaporization; polyneoplasia

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