

Number №2, 2019 - page 116-121

Experience of using antioxidants to improve semen parameters in males with idiopathic infertility DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-116-120

Asfandiyarov F.R., Abdulhakimov E.R., Abdulhakimova F.K., Vybornov S.V., Kurbangalieva N.R., Novozhenova N.A.
Information about authors:
  • Asfandiyarov F. R. – Dr. Sc., Head of the Department of Urology and Nephrology, Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia Astrakhan, drfa@rambler.ru
  • Abdulkhakimov E.R. – PhD, urologist-andrologist, Center for Family Health and Reproduction, elmir_doc@mail.ru, Astrakhan
  • Abdulkhakimova F.K. – urologist of City polyclinic №1, fatma-25@mail.ru, Astrakhan
  • Vybornov S.V. – Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Astrakhan, andro_vibor@bk.ru
  • Kurbangalievа N.R. – Center for Family Health and Reproduction, nuriya712@mail.ru; Astrakhan
  • Novozhenova N.A. – Center for Family Health and Reproduction, natnov1973@mail.ru, Astrakhan

Introduction. Problem of male infertility is undoubtedly relevant, and methods of its diagnostics and treatment are not studied in their entirety. Today it is supposed that 80% of idiopathic male infertility cases are due to oxidative stress. It is caused by an imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant properties of semen.

Aim of the study – to demonstrate the feasibility of using biologically active supplement «BESTFertil» in treatment of patients with idiopathic decline of semen quality.

Materials and methods. This study included 44 patients aged 26 to 47 years who were treated in Family health and reproduction center since September to November 2018. Mean age of patients was 35±1,06 years. Primary infertility was diagnosed in 26 patients (81,8%), while the duration of infertility was 51,6±0,72 months on average.

Patients were divided into two groups: primary group – 32 (72,7%) patients, and control group – 12 (27,3%) patients. Men from the primary group have taken «BESTFertil» according to the recommended regimen: 2 «Morning» capsules and 2 «Evening» capsules were taken with food in the morning and in the evening respectively. Patients received treatment for 3 months. Semen analysis was performed prior to treatment, 1 and 3 months after the beginning of treatment.

Results. DNA fragmentation improved in 32% of treated patients. Percentage of sperm with DNA fragmentation prior to treatment was 28±2,8%, and after treatment it was 19±0,9%. After three months of therapy sperm DNA fragmentation didn’t change significantly (p=0,02), but there was a trend towards improvement.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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male infertility, oxidative stress, sperm DNA fragmentation

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