

Number №1, 2014 - page 4-9

First results of comprehensive integrated standardized programme for BPH diagnosis and treatment

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Katibov M.I., Zolotuhin O.V., Shaderkin I.A., Prosyanniko M.Yu., Voytko D.A., Grigor'eva M.V., Coy A.A., Galiev N.A.

Introduction: BPH –gender, social disease, as it accounts more than 40% of all diseases of men older 50 years. Analyzing the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment of BPH in the Russian Federation at the example of the Voronezh region in 2009, it revealed that 40.9% of patients with BPH treated at the hospital were delivered by ambulance for emergency indication, underlining the shortages of prophylaxis and low detectability of diseases. To improve the quality of medical care for patients with BPH they have developed a comprehensive program of standardized stage care of urological direction, preparation works started in 2009 and fully program started in 2011 after approval in the Voronezh government.

Materials and Methods: Urological care was carried out in three stages. At the first stage the problem of timely detection of patients was implementing. At the second – the performance of standard therapeutic manipulation was providing, including operational manuals. Rhere were 7 interdistrict urological centers made up. That is the second stage providing urological care. On the basis of the regional clinical hospital №1 a regional urological center was created. It is the third stage.

Results: As a result of programme activities, increased dispensary group of patients with diseases of the prostate gland at 283,4%. From 2009 to 2012 reduced the number of patients with prostate dis-eases delivered by ambulance for emergency indications at 62.9%. At the same time the number of patients hospitalized for prostate diseases, who were brought by ambulance decreased to 26,8% (from 2009 to 2012). These facts indicate the improvement in quality of preventive measures directed to timely diagnosis of BPH.

Conclusions: comprehensive standardized integrated program «Urology» is a universal instrument for solving the problem of improving the organization of medical care in BPH.

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