

Number №2, 2017 - page 34-38

Histological substantiation of terms of phalloendoprosthesis after radical prostatectomy

Kyzlasov P.S., Sokol'schik M.M., Paklina O.V., Martov A.G., Setdikova G.R., Topuzov T.M., Grin' E.A., Orlov I.N.

Radical prostatectomy is the gold standard treatment for prostate cancer, the level of patients with persistent loss of erection after radical prostatectomy can reach 28%. Numerous sources have convincingly shown that careful implementation of the program of penile rehabilitation speeds up recovery time of erectile function, and increases the proportion of patients capable of sexual activity at 12 months after surgery radical prostatectomy. However, almost completely lacks any reasonable approaches to the determination of the optimal time range and conditions for the execution of the penile prosthesis. The article describes determining the relevance of the study of the state of the cavernous tissue at different times after radical prostatectomy. Given the results of the study. In the course of the study, the patients were divided into 2 groups: one performed phalloendoprosthesis 3-4 months after radical prostatectomy; the other after 12 months or more after radical prostatectomy. According to the results of morphological studies the following data were obtained: in the study of cavernous tissue in patients with an early penile prosthesis, in most cases, fibrosis is regarded as the minimum, which is manifested in the form of a small interlayer retikuli-novye and thin collagen fibers with abundant interlacing muscle fiber in patients with late deadlines — it was noted the growth of the fibrous mass and a marked decrease in muscle fibers. Immunohistochemical study of fibrillar collagen cavernous tissue were found differences related to the change, both quantitative and qualitative composition of the collagen matrix, depending on the severity of fibrous changes. Given the results of the progressive increase of fibrosis, but also increase the content of collagen type I. the authors conclude on the appropriateness of prosthetic penis for the period of 3-4 months after surgery.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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phalloendoprosthesis, prostate cancer, rehabilitation, copulative dysfunction, impotence, erectile disfunction

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