

Number №4, 2010 - page 32-37

The History of Russian Andrology

Efremov E.A., Dorofeev S.D., Mel'nik Ya.I., Gusakova D.A.

This article is dedicated to the history of Russian andrology, that appeared as a part of urology. Separation of urology from clinical surgery took place in the early fifties of 19th century and was connected with a name of medical surgery academy professor P.P. Zabolovskij– Desjatovskij. This article emphasizes that formation of urology as an independent discipline led to organization of first Russian urological department under the Moscow university in 1866. In the middle of 20th century under the surgical departments of clinics in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, Rostov-on- Don urological departments began to appear, in which there were andrologists who treated patients with genitalia diseases. Rapid development of andrology took place in 80's of 20th century. Andrological department headed by V.G. Gorjunov was organized under the scientific research institute of urology founded by prof. N.A. Lopatkin. During this years great contribution into the development of andrology was made by pofessors Ju.A. Pytel', O.L. Tiktinskij, V.I. Krasulin, V.I. Rusakov, Ju.G. Aljaev, O. B. Loran, M.I. Kogan, A.A. Kamalov. Organized and registered in 1996 Professional Association of Andrologists in 2001 got national status. Currently andrological science in scientific research institute of urology headed by prof. Apolikhin O.I. rapidly develops, male healthcare government program is being developed and introduced. The role of scientific research institute of urology in the development of andrology and it's connection with other disciplines was emphasized.

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