

Number №4, 2019 - page 14-18

Multicenter study of surgical treatments urolithiasis according to the National Registry of Surgery treatment of urolithiasis DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-4-14-18

For citation: Gadzhiev N.K., Grigoryev V.E., Bakhtin M.Yu., Pisarev A.V., Tagirov N.S., Obidnyak V.M., Gorelov D.S., Petrov S.B. Multicenter study of surgical treatments urolithiasis according to the National Registry of Surgery treatment of urolithiasis. Experimental and clinical urology 2019;(4):14-18
Gadzhiev N.K., Grigor'ev V.E., Bahtin M.Yu., Pisarev A.V., Tagirov N.S., Obidnyak V.M., Gorelov D.S., Petrov S.B., Mazurenko D.A., Kurnikov D.A.
Information about authors:
  • Gadjiev N.K. – urologist, MD, PhD, head of endourology department of Pavlov State Medical Univer-sity, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, nariman.gadjiev@gmail.com, ORCID 0000-0002-6255-0193
  • Grigoriev V.E. – urologist, urology department, The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radi-ation Medicine, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, vladislav.grigorev@outlook.com
  • Bakhtin M.Yu. – vice-director for medical information technology, Center of extreme and radiation medicine, Saint-Petersburg, Russia bmyu@mail.ru
  • Pisarev A.V. – urologist, Saint-Petersburg multi-profile medical center, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, alexey.v.pisarev@gmail.com
  • Tagirov N.S. – urologist, urology department of Elizavetinskaya Hospital, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, nair.tagirov@bk.ru
  • Obidnyak V.M. – urologist, urology department of Saint Luka Hospital, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, v.obidniak@gmail.com, ORCID 0000-0002-7095-9765
  • Dmitry Gorelov – urologist, endourology department of Pavlov State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, dsgorelov@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-7592-8167
  • Sergey Petrov – urologist, PhD, professor, head of the Research center of urology, of Pavlov State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, petrov-uro@yandex.ru
  • Mazurenko D.A. – urologist, PhD, vice-director of urologic clinic EMC. d.a.mazurenko@gmail.com, Moscow, Russia, ORCID 0000-0002-4342-4431
  • Kurnikov D.A. – urologist, head of urological department 3 Murom’s Hospital, Murom, Russia, urolog2007@yandex.ru

Introduction. The morbidity of urolithiasis is currently 5-20% among the population and is constantly increasing. In the Russian Federa-tion, the incidence of urolithiasis is about 550.5 people per 100,000 population. Until recent times, there was no possibility of systematic cal-culation and analysis of the results of surgical treatment of urolithiasis in Russia.

Materials and methods. In 2013, in the «Center of emergency and radiation medicine» the «National registry of surgical treatment of urolithi-asis» was developed. The data of 1032 patients from 8 centers of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Murom was entered and analyzed and presented in 4 main sections («Patient», «Operation», «Observation» and «Tables and diagrams»).

Results. A total of 1183 PNL were performed. Of these, standard PNL was performed in 846 (71%) patients and mini-PNL in 337 (29%). Stone-free rate was 83%. Complications were assessed using the Clavien system. No complications were found in 912 patients (77%). Com-plications of Clavien I occurred in 153 (12.9%) patients, Clavien II-in 76 cases (6.42%). Complications of Clavien III group were observed in 32 (2.7%) patients, Clavien IVa-in 5 cases (0.38%). Clavien IVb was observed in 12 patients (1.01%).

Summary. The results of a surgical treatment of PNL (Stone-free rate, frequency and severity of complications) in the clinics participating in the study correspond to the international, which indicates the correct surgical technique and postoperative management of the patients. Using the data from the «National registry of surgical treatment of urolithiasis» allows to analyze the results and improve the quality of treatment.

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urolithiasis, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, national registry

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