

Number №1, 2019 - page 18-21

New volume-forming drug for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence based on poly-ε-caprolactone particles DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-1-18-23

Ismailova A.M., Makarov A.V., Tuhovskaya E.A., Belous G.I., Apolihina I.A., Saidova A.S., Bogorodskiy S.E., Arutyunyan I.V., El'chaninov A.V., Lohonina A.V., Nikitina M.P., Popov V.K., Bicherova I.A., Fathudinov T.H.
Information about authors:
  • Ismailova A.M. – assistant scientist of the Branch of the M.M. ShemyakinYu.A. Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences; e-mail: ismailowa.a.m@yandex.ru; ORCID 0000-0003-33162-0141
  • Makarov A.V. – PhD, Senior Researcher of the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named aer Academician V.I. Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation and assistant professor of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation; e-mail: anvitmak@yandex.ru; ORCID 0000-0003-2133-2293
  • Tukhovskaya E.A. – PhD, scientist of the Branch of the M.M. ShemyakinYu.A. Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail: tukhovskaya@bibch.ru; ORCID 0000-0001-6174-4052
  • Belous G.I. – assistant scientist of the Branch of the M.M. ShemyakinYu.A. Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences; e-mail: egor-belous91@yandex.ru
  • Apolikhina I.A. – Dr. Sc., Head of the Department of Aesthetic Gynecology and Rehabilitation of the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named aer Academician Kulakov V.I. of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation; е-mail: apolikhina@inbox.ru
  • Saidova A.S.– Ph.D., obstetrician-gynecologist of the Department of Aesthetic Gynecology and Rehabilitation of the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named aer Academician V.I. Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation, e-mail: asekova14@yandex.ru; ORCID 0000-0003-3473-3109
  • Bogorodsky S.E. – Researcher of the Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics” of Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail: bogens2@email.ru
  • Arutyunyan I.V. – PhD, senior researcher of the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named aer Academician V.I. Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation and Research Institute of Human Morphology, e-mail: labrosta@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4344-8943
  • Elchaninov A.V. – Dr. Sc., senior researcher of the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named aer Academician V.I. Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation and Research Institute of Human Morphology, e-mail: elchandrey@yandex.ru; ORCID 0000-0002-2392-4439
  • Lokhonina A.V. – assistant scientist of the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named aer Academician V.I. Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation and Research Institute of Human Morphology, e-mail: nastya.serbsky@gmail.com; ORCID 0000-0001-8077-2307
  • Nikitina M.P. – researcher of Research Institute of Human Morphology, e-mail: mary.krutikova@gmail.com
  • Popov V.K. – Dr. Sc., head of the laboratory of Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics” of Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail: popov@laser.ru; ORCID 0000-0002-9305-6964
  • Bicherova I.A. – PhD, assistant professor of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation, e-mail: norav1@yandex.ru
  • Fatkhudinov T.Kh. – Dr. Sc., head of the laboratory of National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named aer Academician V.I. Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation and Research Institute of Human Morphology, e-mail: fatkhudinov@gmail.com; ORCID 0000-0002-6498-5764

The development of new methods and minimally invasive technologies for treating stress urinary incontinence in women is one of the most urgent problems of modern gynecology. Тhe promising approaches is the use of periurethral administration of bulking agents that create additional volume in the field of transplantation and aimed at achieving an equilibrium pressure between the bladder and urethra. Thus bulking agents are capable for reducing the frequency of intra-and post-operative complications, as well as ensuring the most effective rehabilitation of patients

Bulking agent based on polycaprolactone particles obtained by the supercritical fluid method is proposed. This agent was compared with SUI Urodex® in an experimental model of stress urinary incontinence in in female SD rats

The analysis of the results showed that the bulking agent based on polycaprolactone particles hasthe same high efficiency in the treatment of urinary incontinence. The urodynamic index of LPP of a newbulking agent based on polycaprolactone particlesis comparable to that for SUI Urodex®. Bulking agent based on polycaprolactone particles presumably hasseveral advantages:such as a longertherapeutic effect(about 3 years) due to slow biodegradation in the body, lower cost pharmacological market due to production in Russia.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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stress urinary incontinence, bulking agent, polycaprolactone, urodynamic study, experimental model

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