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Organ-preserving surgery of localized kidney cancer with preliminary superselective embolization of the tumor-feeding branch of renal artery DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2023-16-2-44-51
For citation:
Popov S.V., Guseynov R.G., Orlov I.N., Vintskovsky S.G., Pomeshkin E.V., Skryabin O.N., Neymark B.A., Perepelitsa V.V.,
Arkhipov A.N., Mirzabekov M.M., Katunin A.S., Sivak K.V., Bunenkov N.S., Ulitina A.S. Organ-preserving surgery of localized kidney cancer with preliminary superselective embolization of the tumor-feeding branch of renal artery. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2023;16(2):44-51;‑8543‑2023‑16‑2‑44‑51
Popov S.V. – Dr. Sci., physician-in-chief, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; professor of the department of urology, Kirov Military medical academy; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 211507;‑0003‑2767‑7153
Guseynov R.G. – PhD, deputy physician-in-chief for research, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; assistant lecturer of the department of hospital surgery, Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1083364;‑0001‑9935‑0243
Orlov I.N. – PhD, deputy physician-in-chief for medicine, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI AuthorID 105712;‑0001‑5566‑9789
Vintskovsky S.G. – head of the department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; Saint Petersburg, Russia
Pomeshkin E.V. – PhD, head of the department of urology No. 2, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI AuthorID 910313;‑0002‑5612‑1878
Skryabin O.N. – Dr. Sci., professor, chief oncologist, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; scientific director of the City center for endoscopic urology and new technologies; Saint Petersburg, Russia; РИНЦ AuthorID 437531;‑0002‑6664‑2861
Neymark B.A. – Dr. Sci., professor of the department of urology, Altay State Medical University; Barnaul, Russia; RSCI AuthorID 737759;‑0001‑8009‑3777
Perepelitsa V.V. – PhD, urologist, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI AuthorID 1125078;‑0002‑7656‑4473
Arkhipov A.N. – physician for X-ray endovascular methods of diagnosis and treatment, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; Saint Petersburg, Russia
Sivak K.V. – Dr. Sci., leading researcher, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; head of the department of preclinical studies, Research Institute of Influenza; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI AuthorID 546323;‑0003‑4064‑5033
Bunenkov N.S. – researcher, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; Surgeon, Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI AuthorID 884269;‑0003‑4331‑028X
Ulitina A.S. – PhD, senior researcher, Clinical hospital of St. Luke; senior researcher, Department of molecular, genetic, and nanobiological technologies, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI AuthorID 153529;‑0003‑3011‑1812
Introduction. Warm renal ischemia (WRI) is used during the organ-preserving surgery of localized renal cell carcinoma to reduce blood loss, improve the imaging quality, facilitate both accessing the cavitary system and suturing the parenchyma. However, WRI can lead to the ischemic reperfusion injury of the preserved nephrons. Superselective embolization (SSE) of the tumor-feeding branch of renal artery is currently being considered as the alternative method of intraoperative hemostasis.
Aim. To evaluate the results of organ-preserving surgery of localized kidney cancer in the conditions of SSE.
Materials and methods. Three patients who had undergone laparoscopic kidney resection (LKR) with SSE were included in the study. Parameters for assessment were as follows: surgery duration, surgery workflow, intraoperative blood loss volume, the degree of radical surgery according to the histological data, the presence of postoperative complications, and the duration of hospitalization.
Results. Compared with the LKR with WRI (n=78, data from a previous own study), the features of the LRK with SSE (n=3) were as follows: 1) the same surgery duration; 2) three times less intraoperative blood loss; 3) the absence of infectious and inflammatory complications; 4) comparable duration of hospitalization. Also, additional advantages of the LKR with SSE were described: 1) the radicality of surgery; 2) the absence of the risk of renal pedicle injury; 3) the absence of the risk of ischemic reperfusion alteration of the preserved renal tissue.
Conclusion. Preliminary SSE of the tumor-feeding branch of renal artery may improve functional results of the organ-preserving surgery of localized kidney cancer via reducing the intraoperative blood loss, exclusion the possibility of renal pedicle injury, and provision of the functional activity of the preserved nephrons.
5-year impact factor of Russian science citation index from 15.01.2020 - 0,723
10-year H-index 21
Included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
ISSN print 2222-8543 ISSN online 2712-8571
The journal is included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals which should publish the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and PhD of sciences
International Classification
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