

Number №2, 2018 - page 73-76

Our experience of examination of urological patients with high level of sex hormone-binding globulin

Parshin A.G., Eloev R.A.
Information about authors:
  • A.G. Parshin – PhD, urologist, European Family Health Institute, e-mail uro1@yandex.ru
  • Yeloyev RA – Urologist, St. Petersburg City Clinical Hospital "City Hospital No. 40" in Sestroretsk, St. Petersburg

The role of hypogonadism is still underestimated in the pathogenesis of many urological diseases. One of the facets of hypogonadism is increasing ofsex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), the protein carrier of testosterone. In the article for the reference point was adopted norm of SHBG equal to the age of men. Over a two-year periodwere analyzed results of examinations 53 urological patientsinwhom SHBG exceeded for 10 units and more than the age of the patient. e most frequent diagnoses of patients were chronic prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, male infertility. Unfortunately, the testosterone deficiency continuesto remain in the shadow of the diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of such androgen depending organ as prostate. The study highlighted the role of hypogonadism in the mechanism of prostatitis. The authors look at the usual paradigm of "insulin resistance – low SHBG" on the other hand, revealing half of patients with high level SHBG of insulin resistance. The increasing of SHBG by 10 units and more than the patient’s age is proposed to considerthe newlaboratory marker of hypogonadism independently of all other laboratory signs of testosterone deficiency.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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sex hormone-binding globulin, hypogonadism, testosterone deficiency, prostatitis, insulin resistance

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