

Number №1, 2021 - page 156-160

Paraganglioma of the urinary bladder. Experience in surgical treatment DOI: 10.29188/2222 8543-2021-14-1-156-160

For citation: Pavlov A.Y., Dzidzaria A.G., Tsybulsky A.D., Fastovets S.V., Kravtsov I.B.,Uzdenov R.A. Paraganglioma of the urinary bladder. Experience in surgical treatment. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2021;14(1):156-160, https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2021-14-1-156-160
A.Y. Pavlov, A.G. Dzidzaria, A.D. Tsybulsky, S.V. Fastovets, I.B. Kravtsov, R.A. Uzdenov
Information about authors:
  • Pavlov A.Yu. – Dr. Sc., professor, Deputy Director of the «Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2905-7735
  • Dzidzaria A.G. – PhD, Head of the Department of Urology with Oncology Beds and Shock Wave Lithotripsy Rooms of the «Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5789-375X
  • Tsybulsky A.D. – PhD, Senior Researcher, Department of Oncourology, «Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1647-6180
  • Fastovets S.V. – PhD, urologist of the urology department with oncology beds and shock wave lithotripsy rooms of the «Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8665-3103
  • Kravtsov I.B. – Ph.D., urologist of the urology department with oncology beds and shock wave lithotripsy rooms of the «Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1671-369X
  • Uzdenov R.A. – urologist of the urology department with oncology beds and shock wave lithotripsy rooms of the «Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2905-7735

Introduction. Pheochromocytoma is a tumor that develops from the chromaffin tissues of the sympathetic nervous system. The most frequent localization is the adrenal medulla. However, in about 10% of cases, pheochromocytomas can occur in ectopic or extrarenal localities (the brain and up to the pelvic organs). An ectopic pheochromocytoma is called a paraganglioma. It may be difficult for doctors to determine an accurate diagnosis due to the fact that the disease emits bladder cancer in its clinical manifestation. The rare localization and poorly understood structure of the tumor also makes it difficult for specialists to determine the correct treatment strategy. This article describes a rare clinical case that clearly demonstrates all stages of the clinical course, diagnosis, and treatment of bladder parganglioma.

Materials and methods. We are looking at a clinical case that occurred in the clinic of the Federal state budgetary institution RSCR. This article describes in detail all stages of the clinical course, methods of diagnosis and treatment of paraganglioma of the bladder.

Clinical practice and results. Paragangliomas are rare tumors of the bladder. They may have clinical, radiological, and pathological features similar to bladder cancer. Typical symptoms are catecholamine secretion, especially associated with periods of urination.

Conclusions. The optimal method of treatment is laparoscopic or open resection of the bladder. Other methods of treatment, such as transurethral resection, can be considered as effective diagnostic methods, but as an independent treatment option, they are associated with non-radicality and a high risk of intraoperative complications. In the future, it is critical to standardize the principles of examination, treatment and follow-up of patients with paraganglioma of the bladder.

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pheochromocytoma; bladder paraganglioma; scintigraphy with MIBG; bladder laparoscopic resection.

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