

Number №4, 2014 - page 48-53

Penile hemodynamic in patients with high risk of cardiovascular diseases

Apolihin O.I., Efremov E.A., Mel'nik Ya.I., Krasnyak S.S.

The most common pathogenetic factor for erectile dysfunction is a vascular lesion, and it is often systemic disease. Therefore, the identification of vascular origin of erectile dysfunction can be a reason for comprehensive examination of the cardiovascular system. The lack of published data on the connection between arteriogenic erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease caused of the organization of our study. We examined 481 adult male with complaints of erectile dysfunction. Doppler ultrasound of penile blood vessels with pharmacologically induced erection was performed for all of them. It was revealed that only some cardiovascular disease are predictors of arteriogenic erectile dysfunction. Abdominal obesity showed a correlation with the severity of hemodynamic disturbances to the penile arteries. In men with diabetes penile blood flow parameters were significantly lower than in men with normal carbohydrate metabolism. Our data suggest that penile Doppler with pharmacologically induced erection is an important methods of determining the nature of the vascular erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, it appears that not all cardiovascular disease are risk factors for penile artery lesions.

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