

Number №1, 2019 - page 82-89

Phytotherapy for patients with residual upper urinary tract stones after lithotripsy DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-1-82-88

Martov A.G., Kruglov V.A., Asfandiyarov F.R., Vybornov S.V., Ol'hovskaya S.A., Kruglova E.Yu.
Information about authors:
  • Martov A.G. – Dr. Sc., head of the department of urology and andrology of IPPO FMBC FMBA Russia named aer A.I. Burnazyana, head of the department of urology of city clinical hospital named aer D.D. Pletnev, e-mail: martovalex@mail.ru; ORCID 0000-0001-6324-6110
  • Kruglov V.A. – PhD, associate professor of urology department of Astrakhan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Astrakhan, e-mail: astradoc@rambler.ru
  • Asfandiyarov F.R. – Dr. Sc., associate professor, head of the department of urology of Astrakhan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief Freelance Urologist, Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan Region, e-mail: drfa@rambler.ru; ORCID 0000-0003-4324-4139
  • Vybornov S.V. – PhD, assistant of urology department of Astrakhan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Astrakhan, e-mail: andro_vibor@bk.ru
  • Olkhovskaya S.A. – Deputy Chief Doctor of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Alexandro-Mariinsky Regional Clinical Hospital”, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Astrakhan, e-mail: guzamokb@gmail.com
  • Kruglova E.Yu. – Endocrinologist at the consultative clinic of the Regional Clinical Diagnostic Center of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Alexandro-Mariinsky Regional Clinical Hospital”, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Astrakhan, e-mail: astradoc@rambler.ru

Introduction. Urolithiasis is one of the most common diseases, being of highest prevalence among all urological conditions. Patients with urolithiasis constitute up to 30–40% of all inpatient cases in urology. Traditionally, phytotherapeutic preparations are considered to have an important role in different settings of treatment for urolithiasis.

Aim of this prospective study was to evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of plant extract composition for treatment of patients with residual kidney and ureteral stones after lithotripsy.

Materials and methods. Authors have chosen the «Nerey» phytotherapeutic composition – a new original combined phytotherapeutic drug on the domestic market for treatment and prevention of urolithiasis – to conduct this clinical trial. Ninety four patients, who were treated in urology clinic of Astrakhan State Medical University based in Aleksandro-Mariinsky Regional Clinical Hospital in the period of May 2018 to January 2019 and had residual renal and ureteral stone after various types of lithotripsy, were enrolled in this study

Results. Introduction of this drug to the therapeutic regimen allows to decrease the need in spasmolytics and analgesics, while positively influencing patients’ subjective symptoms in postoperative period. Intake of phytotherapeutic composition led to spontaneous migration of small stone fragments through nephrostomic tube and urinary tract in 74,6% cases, while in control group it was observed in 37,6% cases.

Conclusions. «Nerey» has a pronounced diuretic, spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity, and effectively leads to a decrease in infectious and inflammatory complications of urolithiasis, having a good tolerability and no side effects.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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urolithiasis, lithotripsy, phytotherapy, metaphylaxis of urolithiasis, Nerey

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