

Number №2, 2012 - page 13-17

The prevalence of the urologic diseases in the Aral Sea area

Akilov F.A., Mamatkulov B.M., Hudaybergenov U.A., ugli Nuraliev T.Yu., Hudoyberdiev H.B., Rahimov M.K.

The article is dedicated to the study of the prevalence of the most significant urologial diseases in the Aral Sea region in primary health care. The study was performed in the Aral Sea region, which is a territory of ecological disaster, and paricular attention should be payed to its population in the development of curative and prophylactic measures.

The study was performed in four medical stations of the region. During the study a representational sample group with persons of both sexes aged from 1 year and elder was formed. The selected group consisted of local inhabitants, in fact lived in chosen area their whole life. Totaly 7597 people were examined that was 85.4% of all citizens to be inspected. As a result of epidemiological study by nest-typological method we established a real level of prevalence of different urological nosological forms in the Aral Sea region. Analysis showed that the most common were urinary tract infection (10.75±0.36), prelithiasis (5.82±0.27). benign prostatic hyperplasia (3.37±0.21) and urolithiasis (1.40±0.13) per 100 of examined. It should noted that in no cases a significant territorial difference in comparison of prevalence of urological diseases in Khorezm region and Republic of Karakalpakstan was revaeled (р>0.05).

It is very important to engage primary health care utilities in epidemiological studies as the most approximated to the population with possibility of early diagnostics of urological diseases.

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