

Number №3, 2019 - page 32-39

Prevention of the development of acute post-ishemic renal insufficiency using a protein-peptide complex of embryonal tissue DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-3-32-39

Kirpatovskiy V.I., Sivkov A.V., Golovanov S.A., Drozhzheva V.V., Samoylova S.I., Rabinovich E.Z., Sokolov M.A., Efremov G.D.

Contacts: Kirpatovskiy Vladimir Igorevich, vladkirp@yandex.ru

Introduction. Regenerative medicine is an actively developing area of experimental research. ?e protective effect of low-differentiated (stem, progenitor) cells, as well as the products of their metabolism and secretion, is studied in modeling various acute and chronic diseases of organs. In this study, we studied the possibility of accelerating the regeneration and restoration of kidney function damaged by ischemia using a protein-peptide complex (PPC) isolated from tissues of pig embryos. Material and methods. In experiments on 46 male rats, acute renal failure was modeled by right-sided nephrectomy and ischemia of the remaining le? kidney for 60 minutes, followed by restoration of blood supply. In the 1st series of experiments (20 rats), no therapy was performed. In the 2nd series (20 rats) 5 times a week (10 injections) were daily administered subcutaneously with PPC, isolated from the tissue of the brain of pig embryos in a dose of 0.1 ml / kg body weight (active component of the drug Cellex, manufactured by Pharm-Synthesis, Russia JSC). Six intact rats served as a control. ?e dynamics of functional indicators and the severity of morphological changes in the kidneys were evaluated 3, 7, and 14 days after ischemia.

Results. It was shown that in rats of the 2nd group there was a more complete restoration of the indicators of the functional state of the kidneys (glomerular filtration rate, tubular reabsorption of sodium and calcium, daily excretion of creatinine) with their normalization by the 14th day, while in the 1st series most of the indicators remained significantly reduced. In the 2nd group, more active regeneration of renal structures was noted. A?er 14 days, the mass of the remaining kidney increased more significantly than in rats of the 2st group, reaching 81.8% of the total mass of both kidneys, while in the 1st series it amounted to 57.7% of the mass of both kidneys. A histological examination of the kidneys in the 2nd group revealed pronounced glomerular hypertrophy already in the early stages of the study, as well as less pronounced damage to the renal tubule epithelium at all stages of the study compared with the 1st group. Also in the 2nd series, a less pronounced inflammatory reaction was observed in the kidney tissue in the early stages and a lower degree of interstitial fibrosis by the 14th day of observation. Output. ?e obtained results indicate a pronounced protective effect of PPC of embryonic tissues in the acute post-ischemic renal failure.

For citation: Kirpatovskiy V.I., Sivkov A.V., Golovanov S.A., Drozhzheva V.V., Samoilova S.I., Rabinovich E.Z., Sokolov M.A., Efremov G.D. Prevention of the development of acute post-ishemic renal insufficiency using a protein-peptide complex of embryonal tissue. Experimental and clinical urology 2019; (3):32-39

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acute renal failure, regenerative medicine, embryonic tissue

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