

Quality of life astimation in invasive bladder cancer patients aft er radical cystectomy

Chernyshev I.V., Samsonov Yu.V.

In despite of achievements in different types of urine derivation, the estimation of life' quality in patients underwent of such type of operative treatment still be not only the medical problem, but more social one. Th ere were estimated retrospectively 148 patients with bladder cancer, 145 patients underwent of radical cystectomy and urine derivation. Patients were divided into groups by type of urine derivation. Th e fi rst group included 66 patients aft er incontinential form of urine derivation – ileum conduit (Briker operation). Th e second – 19 patients aft er ureterosigmostomia by Mainz pouch II and in Hassan modifi cation. In the third group were 60 patients with continents forms of urine derivation in diff erent modifi - cation. Th e early and late complications, surviving rate and quality of life were estimated. Th e last one was appraised by three parameters: physical, psychological and urological. Early postoperative complications were in 20 patients, late – in 24. Th e eff ectiveness of the operational treatment of bladder cancer we evaluated on fi ve-year survival. During monitoring 28 patients (19,3%) died. Th e main cause of death in 23 patients was the progression of cancer. 14 patients died in the fi rst group, 7 – in second and 2 – in third group. In evaluating the quality of life of patients aft er various forms of urine derivation, we identifi ed that physical component suff ers more than psychological and biological components of health. Th e special questionnaire for patients, underwent the urine derivation can be useful also for patients aft er other urological operation.

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