

The role of stem cells in the treatment of urinary incontinence: literature review

Nitkin D.M., Gres' A.A., Kveten' A.G.
Information about authors:
  • D.M. Nitkin – Dr. Sc., аssociate рrofessor, Head of the Department of urology and nephrology of the Belarusian medical academy of postgraduate education, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, e-mail: nitkin@tut.by
  •  A.A. Gres – Dr. Sc., рrofessor, Department of urology and nephrology of the Belarusian medical academy of postgraduate education, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • A.G. Kveten – clinical intern of the Department of urology and nephrology of the Belarusian medical academy of postgraduate education, Minsk Oblast Clinical Hospital, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, e-mail: alex_kveten@mail.ru

Urinary incontinence is a common urological disease. A review on clinicalstudiesisshown to systematize the global experience in the use of stem cells (SC) in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Various SC sources(bone marrow, muscle and adipose tissue),routes and methods of administration are analyzed in the treatment of urinary incontinence in both men and women, methods for evaluating long-term results of the procedure were presented

Transurethral injection of adipose or muscle tissue stem cellsinto the submucosal layer of the membranous urethra orstriated sphincteris the most appropriate method among the existing for stress urinary incontinence treatment.

There is no precise way of using stem cells for urge urinary incontinence.

Applied operational techniques could be widely used in clinical practice.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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stem cells, urinary incontinence, urgent urinary incontinence, stress urinary incontinence, insufficiency of the urethral sphincter

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