

Number №2, 2014 - page 36-43

Russian PCA3 test-system: first results

Sidorenkov A.V., Govorov A.V., Pushkar' D.Yu., Pavlov K. A., Shkoporov A.N., Hohlova E.V., Korchagina A.A., Grigor'ev M.E., Chehonin V.P.

Widely used detection of the prostatic specific antigen (PSA) to the growth of the prostate biopsies being performed; introduction of the age-related normal values of PSA led to growth of the number of unjustified biopsies. As a result of this the constant need in the new prostate cancer biomarkers is obvious. PCA3 – is a non-coding mRNA, which is expressed exclusively by the prostate cells. The aim of this work was to develop a diagnostic system for early non-invasive diagnostics of the prostate cancer, based on the quantitative detection of the PCA3 gene mRNA in the urine sediment using the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR). As the consequence a laboratory exemplar of the PCR-based test system was created and tested out. The data to the specificity and sensitivity of the new method were received. The ability of the diagnostic system to identify the substantial increase in the proportion of PCA3/KLK3 was shown in the material from the patients with prostate cancer in comparison with healthy individuals. Relatively high sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value were received for the early non-invasive diagnostics of the prostate cancer.

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