

Number №4, 2017 - page 6-10

Several epidemiological peculiarities of incidence of glomerular and tubulointerstitial kidney diseases and urinary tract infections among the population of the Altai region

Sursyakova K.I., Saf'yanova T.V.

Introduction. Glomerular and tubulointerstitial kidney diseases (GTKD) are among the most common in the Russian Federation and appearto be one of the factorsleading to the decrease of the quality of life and disability. The aim of the study is to evaluate the current epidemiologicalsituation regarding the incidence of GRKD and urinary tract infections (UTI) among children and adults living in the Altai Krai over the period of 2007-2016.

Materials and methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of GTKD and UTI morbidity using the information from the form №12 “Data on the disease incidence in patientslivingwithin the access of a healthcare provider”. From this form, we used the chapter “Diseases of the genitourinary system”, particularly, class(N00-N08) – glomerular diseases, class (N10-N16) – renal tubulo-interstitial diseases and class(N30-N39) – other diseases of urinary system. Overall, therewere 704520 cases of these diseasesregistered overthe period of 2007-2016.

Results and discussion. Retrospective analysis aimed at investigating the incidence of GTKD and UTI has concluded that these diseases pose a significant problem for the region, since the morbidity level of GRKD in theAltaiKraiwas higherthan the mean level in Russia since 2007. e incidence of the disease among adults was higher than in children in the Altai Krai, as well as in Russia

According to the data obtained from urological departments of hospitalsin the Altai Krai, the increase of the incidence ofsuch infectious/inflammatory diseases, as pyelonephritis and acute cystitis by 11.26% and 5.5%, respectively, was reported. e rate of chronic pyelonephritis and chronic cystitis decreased by 14.7% and 1.73%,respectively. e annual UTI morbidity among urban population was 2.6-fold higher than among rural (p<0.001).

It is necessary to create a special form aimed at recording the incidence of urinary tract infections, since the existing report forms do not provide information regarding these diseases.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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urinary tract infections, epidemiological peculiarities, a retrospective analysis

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