

Number №4, 2014 - page 43-47

Treatment of the patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis and fertility disturbances

Satybaldyev Sh.R., Satybaldyev E.Sh., Evdokimov V.V.

Chronic prostatitis (CP) stays at the first place in the structure of the inflammatory diseases of the genital sphere in men. Incidence of the CP in general population is 9%, in the structure of the urological consultations – 35%. CP is a disease presenting with frequent disturbances of the fertility. 86 patients with the age of 18-55 (mean 35 years) years old with abacterial CP (CAP) in the remission phase were investigated. Disease duration was 2-8 years. All patients were divided among 2 corresponding groups (56 and 30 patients – main and control groups, correspondingly) according to the clinical signs and severity of the fertility dysfunction. Pathospermia was noticed in ejaculate in the form of permanent oligoasthenozoospermia. Rehabilitation measures in the main group included physiotherapy and balneotherapy: sinusoid-modulated currents sacroabdominally; mud applications; coniferous-salt bathes, physical therapy, prostate massage; ultraviolet exposure of the autoblood, psychotherapy and medications when needed. Control group patients received medication therapy without rehabilitation.

As the result of the therapy it could be stated that rehabilitation complex was more effective. Prominent differences were related to the concentration, motility and normality of the spermatozoids. Spermatozoid concentration in the main group was 13% higher, in control – 2% higher compared to the initial state, active motility was 22% and 8% higher, correspondingly, normal forms concentration increased at 14% in both groups.

Drawing a conclusion, complex treatment of the CP accompanied with fertility disturbances increase the fertility of the ejaculate and could be recommended for the treatment of CP with pathospermia.

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