

Number №3, 2016 - page 63-68

Urethral stenting in urolithiasis: problems and solutions

Strel'cova O.S., Krupin V.N., Pochtin D.P., Yunusova K.E., Scherbatyuk T.G., Yashanova M.I., Mamonov M.V.

Aim. A research on the influence of Rowatinex on the condition of urine and stents in patients with urolithiasis.

Material and methods. The analysis of laboratory data concerning urine and the condition of stents after their withdrawal in 40 patients was performed. 20 of them received ordinary treatment, while the other 20 had been taking two pills of Rowatinex three times per day for six weeks from the beginning of stent placement. 10 patients had ordinary fluid-drinking regime and 10 consumed more than 2 liters of water per day. In order to determine the ability of urine to crystallize in patients who received Rowatinex, wedge-shaped dehydration method was used. The duration of kidneys stent drainage was 32±10 days.

Results. According to visual analysis of remote stents in the control group, in 25% of cases salt layers were found; patients who received the drug did not exhibit any lithogenic salts. Light microscopy revealed that in 90% of patients from the control group, stents had lithogenic layers. The patients who received Rowatinex had less intensive lithogenic layers in 45% of cases.

The introduction of the phitodrug into the treatment plan has prevented manifestation of infectious complications. Urine structural analysis performed by wedge-shaped dehydration method in patients who received Rowatinex indicates that the drug is able to affect urine colloids, modulate crystal and kidney stone formation; Apparently, it has its inhibitory effect on the latter. It is necessary to switch to the mode of lithogenic layers prevention several days before the planned stenting.

Conclusion. The function of the Rowatinex phitodrug, as a part of stent salt encrustation prevention, was pathogenetically justified in many ways. Rowatinex is able to have a combined effect on main kidney functions and potentiate the inhibitory effect of kidney stone formation. It is necessary to switch to the mode of lithogenic layers prevention several days before the planned stenting. Its obligatory component must be an increase in water consumption.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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urolotiasis, ureteral stenting, complications, the method of wedge dehydration, Rowatinex

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