
Editorial Council


Salman Kh. Al-Shukri - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology, St. Petersburg State Medical University, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation (Russia, St. Petersburg)
Hirsch RSCI index - 17

Farhad A. Akilov - MD, PhD, Professor, Chairman of the Board of the Uzbek Scientific Society of Urologists, Director of the RSTSU MH RU (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Mirzakarim K. Alchinbaev - MD, PhD, Professor, Director of the Scientific Center of Urology named after Dzharbusynova (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Alexander V. Amosov . - MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Urology, First Moscow State Medical University named after them Sechenov (Russia, Moscow)
Hirsch RSCI index - 12

Oleg I. Bratchikov - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology of the Kursk State Medical University (Russia, Kursk)
Hirsch RSCI index - 8

Alexander V. Gudkov - MD, PhD, Professor, Chief Urologist of the Tomsk Region (Russia, Tomsk)
Hirsch RSCI index - 9

Ion V. Dumbreveanu - MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology «GUMF N. Testemitanu», Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova in Andrology and Sexual Medicine (Republic of Moldova)

Andrey A. Erkovich - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology, Novosibirsk State Medical University (Russia, Novosibirsk)
Hirsch RSCI index - 9

Vladimir N. Zhuravlev - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology of the Ural State Medical University, Head of the Regional Urological Center in the Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No.1 (Russia, Yekaterinburg)
Hirsch RSCI index - 13

Ekaterina P. Kakorina . - MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Health Care Organization of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education First Moscow State Medical University named after them Sechenov, Ministry of Health of Russia (Russia, Moscow)
Hirsch RSCI index - 22

Andrey D. Kaprin - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, PhD, Professor and Head of the Department of Urology with the Course of Oncourology, Faculty for Postgraduate Training of Healthcare Workers, Peoples` Friendship University of Russia; Director General, National Medical Radiology Research Center, Chief Freelance Oncologist, Ministry of Health of Russia (Russia, Moscow)
Hirsch RSCI index - 27

Vladimir L. Medvedev . - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the KubGMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chief Physician for Urology of the N. prof. S.V. Ochapovskiy, Chief freelance urologist and transplantologist MH KK, President of the Association of Urologists of Kuban, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation (Russia, Krasnodar)
Hirsch RSCI index - 6

Alexander I. Neimark - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Nephrology, ASMU (Russia, Barnaul)
Hirsch RSCI index - 18

Dmitry M. Nitkin. - MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Nephrology of BelMAPO, member of the Belarusian Association of Urologists, full member of the European Association of Urologists. Deputy Chairman of the NGO "Belarusian Association of Urologists", Member of the editorial board of the journal «Reproductive Health. Eastern Europe» (Republic of Belarus)
RusSCI (РИНЦ), PubMed
Hirsch RSCI index - 5

Valentin N. Pavlov - corresponding member RAS, MD, PhD, Professor, Rector of the Bashkir State Medical University, Head of the Department of Urology with the IPO course (Russia, Ufa)
Hirsch RSCI index - 16

Nikolay I. Tarasov - MD, PhD, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (Russia, Chelyabinsk)
Hirsch RSCI index - 9

Alexander V. Shulyak - MD, PhD, Professor, State Institution «Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» (Ukraine)

Akylbek Ch. Usupbaev - MD, PhD, Professor, Member of the World Association of Urologists, the European Association of Urologists and the Association of Andrologists of Turkey and Central Asia (Kyrgyz Republic)
Hirsch RSCI index - 3

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