
Oleg Ivanovich Apolikhin - director of FSI “Urology Research Institute” of the Ministry of Health of Russia professor, doctor of medical science


Oleg Ivanovich Apolikhin was born in 1960.

In 1983 he graduated from the N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Institute. From 1984 until 1986 he worked as a surgeon at Voronezh city hospital. From 1986 until 1991 he was an urologist and andrologist at FSI “Urology Research Institute” of Federal Agency for High Technological Medical Help of Russia. From 1991 until 1997 he was the head of innovation department at Urology Research Institute. From 1997 until 2000 he was the head of medical and sanatorium services department at PJSC “Gazprom”. In 2000 O.I. Apolikhin was appointed to the position of deputy director of Urology Research Institute. Since 2007 he holds the position of director of FSI “Urology Research Institute” of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

O.I. Apolikhin possesses the highest category of qualification in urological speciality (2001) and an academic degree of doctor of medical science (1997): the topic of doctoral dissertation is “Thermotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia”. He holds the academic status of professor of urology (2003).

O.I. Apolikhin is a leading scientist and administrator, who made a great contribution to the development of Russian urology. Being a highly qualified urology specialist, O.I. Apolikhin significantly improved his education and skills while learning abroad:

  • 1995 – Medical Technology University (ACTIM), France, Faculty of medical economics; “Healthcare economics and application of new technologies and modern equipment” course.
  • 2000-2001 – University of Oxford (Great Britain), MBA faculty, course in medical ethics and administrative law in healthcare.
  • 2001 – University of Oxford (Great Britain), course in evidence-based medicine.

Professor O.I. Apolikhin is engaged in numerous scientific and educational activities. The main directions of his scientific research are:

  • organization of urological care for the population of Russian Federation
  • health economics
  • early diagnosis of prostate diseases
  • minimally invasive methods for diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases
  • standards development in urological care
  • multidisciplinary approach to sexual and erectile dysfunction research

In his practical work and research O.I. Apolikhin has proven to be an erudite scientist and extraordinary administrator. Modern minimally invasive modalities of treatment for management of uro-oncological patients, such as brachytherapy, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablation, cryoablation and photodynamic therapy, were introduced into clinical practice of Institute on his initiative. Laparoscopic methods of treatment for urological diseases were introduced and are currently used. Laboratory of urodynamic studies and functional disorders of the pelvis was created and now functions successfully. Institute is equipped with a fully functional training facility for young doctors, which is outfitted with the most advanced hardware and computer simulators.

Russian and international scientific clinical trials are performed at the Urology Research Institute under the guidance of professor O.I. Apolikhin.

O.I. Apolikhin is the member of the board of Russian Society of Urology, supervising international relations and education.

Telemedicine department was first created in Urology Research Institute on the initiative of O.I. Apolikhin; web resources addressed towards professional urologists, highlighting world wide scientific achievements in urology on a regular basis, became operational.

International scientific and practical conferences and workshops are held regularly, in which the world's leading experts participate, performing demonstrative surgical interventions together with Russian scientists with the use of newest technological advancements. All scientific events held by the Institute are translated via the telemedicine channels to attract the wide audience of professional urologists.

O.I. Apolikhin has first created a productive system of international consultations, which attracts the world-class experts in urology with the use of advanced translation equipment.

Thanks to professor O.I. Apolikhin, Urology Research Institute maintains close scientific and practical contacts with colleagues from all over Russia and CIS in the form of direct working arrangements with country's leading medical educational institutions and urology departments. Joint programs are conducted with several regions. For example, a pilot project dedicated to step-by-step standardization of urological care in Voronezh region was started in 2009. From November 2009 until November 2010 office consultations for male population of several towns and villages of the region were arranged; specialists from Urology Research Institute have performed initial consulting of patients and teaching of local doctors; remote telemedicine connection with distant districts was installed. Such level of interaction provides succession in providing healthcare, which greatly improves the long-term results of treatment.

In the end of 2010, a sub-program titled “Urology” was ratified in the context of a long-term regional target program “Development of healthcare in Voronezh region in 2011-2015”. It is based on a program developed and approved in practice in Urology Research Institute under the leadership of O.I. Apolikhin.

As a result, clinical, economical and statistical data was received, which allowed to create a concept of development of urological care in the region. A step-by-step model of organizing medical care for the patients with urological diseases was created. A document set, which includes legal regulations and standards, was developed. Program of communication with general population using mass media was created and approved. Today, the Program, developed by O.I. Apolikhin, begins to work in 5 subjects of Russian Federation, and several are going through the pre-Program evaluation. Interest towards the Program was expressed in 15 regions of Russia.

O.I. Apolikhin is the chief editor of “Experimental and clinical urology” journal and “International abstract journal «Urology»”. He secured the free distribution of these journals among the urologists of Russia. More than 2000 urologists all over Russia and CIS are subscribed to them.

Professor is a member of editorial board of “Urology” journal.

More than 500 scientific papers, including monographs, have been written under the guidance of O.I. Apolikhin.

6 candidates' and 1 doctoral dissertations have been defended with him as an academic adviser; and 2 more doctoral and 1 candidate's dissertations are being worked on currently, dedicated to urodynamics of urinary tract, diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis and economical efficiency of different types of surgery for prostate cancer.

O.I. Apolikhin is the author of two Russian Federation patents.

O.I. Apolikhin is a full member of European association of urology, American urological association, Royal society of medicine (United Kingdom) and International society of urology (France). With perfect knowledge of English and Spanish languages, professor O.I. Apolikhin represents Urology Research Institute and Russian urology on international medical conferences.

Currently, O.I. Apolikhin holds the post of chief specialist in reproductive health at the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Scientific, practical and organizing work of professor O.I. Apolikhin allows to define him as a major scientist and administrator.

Among the staff, O.I. Apolikhin has great authority and is held in sincere respect.

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