
Requirements for publications included in the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) List


There are requirements for peer-reviewed scientific publications for further inclusion in the peer-reviewed scientific publications list where the main scientific results of dissertations for the PhD (In Russ.: candidate of science) and the Doctor degrees must be published:

  1. A peer-reviewed scientific publication (hereinafter – the publication) must be registered* as a mass media.
  2. The main publication content should consist of scientific articles, scientific reviews, reviews and correspond to the branches of science and/or groups of scientific specialties for which the publication is included in the peer-reviewed scientific publications list where the main scientific results of dissertations for the PhD (In Russ.: candidate of science) degree and the Doctor degree should be published (hereinafter – the list)
  3. Before submitting the application for inclusion in the list, the publication should be published and deliver a mandatory copy of the publication for at least 2 years** Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) or scientific and technical center "Informregister".
  4. The publication must be published at least 8 times in 2 years.
  5. The publication should review all incoming materials that correspond to its subject matter for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers must be qualified specialists in the subject of the reviewed materials and have publications about the reviewed article within the last 3 years. Reviews are stored in the editorial office for 5 years.
  6. The editorial Board must send the authors of the submitted materials copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal.
  7. The editorial Board must send copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation when the corresponding request is received.
  8. The publication should have an official website or a page in the "Internet" network with an open access in Russian and English languages. There should be provided all the necessary information about the publishing house, the main editor, the editorial Board with the academic degree and academic rank of all its members, contact information, description of the publication subjects, rules for submitting, reviewing and publishing scientific articles, abstracts and keywords for all research articles and reviews published over the last 2 years.
  9. The publication must be registered in the Russian science citation index (hereinafter-RSCI) and submit information about published scientific articles to the RSCI within 3 months from the date of the corresponding issue number publication.
  10. The editorial Board must consist of at least eight specialists – PhD (In Russ.: candidates of science) or Doctors (or holders of academic degrees obtained in a foreign country) who have made a significant contribution to the relevant field of knowledge development, from among researchers and teachers belonging to the teaching staff.
  11. The presence of all published scientific articles and bibliographic lists.
  12. Availability of keywords and annotations for each scientific article. If the article is written in Russian, its keywords and annotations must be published in both Russian and English languages. If the article is written in a foreign language, it is mandatory to have keywords and annotations in Russian and foreign languages.
  13. Availability of the international standard serial number (ISSN).
  14. Availability of the distributor's subscription index under the subscription agreement (for periodicals).

* Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 № 2124-1 "On mass media" (Bulletin of Congress of people's deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1992, № 7, p. 300; meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, № 27, the item 2711; № 35, article 3607; 2011, № 25, article. 3535)

** Article 7 of the Federal law from December 29, 1994 № 77-FZ "On obligatory copy of documents" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, № 1, art. 1; 2002, № 7, p. 630; 2008, № 13, item 1184; 2014, № 19, p. 2305; 2016, № 27, article 4211).

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