

Number №1, 2023 - page 30-34

3D-printing technology in creation of a needle guide for a convex ultrasound probe DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2023-16-1-30-34

For citation:

Gadzhiev N.K., Gorgotsky I.A., Aloyan A.A., Piven N.V., Skarupa A.A., Britov V.P., Martov A.G., Petrov A.D., Skarupa D.D. 3D-printing technology in creation of a needle guide for a convex ultrasound probe. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2023;16(1):30-34; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2023-16-1-30-34

N.K. Gadzhiev, I.A. Gorgotsky, A.A. Aloyan, N.V. Piven, A.A. Skarupa, V.P. Britov, A.G. Martov, A.D. Petrov, D.D. Skarupa
Information about authors:
  • Gadzhiev N.K. – Dr. Sc., Deputy Director for Medical Affairs (Urology), Urologist, N.I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 819314; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6255-0193
  • Gorgotsky I.A. – PhD, Urologist, N.I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1141685; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8514-5510
  • Aloyan A. A. – urology resident, N.I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1175552; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6273-4224
  • Piven N.V. – urology resident, N.I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1101000; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2609-8689
  • Skarupa A.A. – student of General Medicine Faculty, Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg, Russia Britov V.P. – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Equipment and Robotics for Plastics Processing, Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 280319; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5633-9164
  • Martov A.G. – Dr. Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Urology and Andrology, Biomedical University of Innovation and continuing education A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University Medical Research and Educational Center; Moscow, Russia; RSCI Author ID 788667
  • Petrov A.D. – Urologist, N.I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg State Universit; Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Skarupa D.D. – Dr. Sc., Acting Director of N.I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies, Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 560256

Introduction. Percutaneous surgery is one of the methods of surgical treatment of renal stones. The most difficult stage of the operation is the creation of percutaneous access to the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney. To facilitate access under ultrasound (US) guidance, it is customary to use a needle guide which is fixed to the US-probe. Taking into account the sanctions of the equipment manufacturing countries, Russian specialists may potentially find themselves in conditions of a shortage of components and particularly needle guide for ultrasound probes. In this regard, it was decided to develop the possibility of printing a needle guide for an ultrasound probe using 3Dprinting technology.

Materials and methods. Using a handheld 3D laser scanner, a metal needle guide for the convex ultrasound probe was scanned, the necessary changes were made for use, and a plastic needle guide was created using 3D printing.

Results. The needle, when passed into the grooves with preset angles of the printed needle guide, exactly matches the dotted aim on the monitor of the ultrasound machine, similar to the original probe.

Conclusion. The use of 3D-printing in the absence of certain components, in particular, a needle guide for an ultrasound probe, allows to quickly obtain a working sample that is not inferior to the original one.

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urinary stone disease; urolithiasis; percutaneous nephrolithotomy; 3D-printing; needle guide

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