

Number №3, 2010 - page 70-75

α1-Blockers Efficiency Evaluation in Patients with Prostate Cancer after Radiation Treatment

Sivkov A.V., Oschepkov V.N., Keshishev N.G., Shkabko O.V.

Most frequent prostate cancer radiation therapy complications are radiation, prostatitis cystitis and proctitis, with dysuria of different degree of manifestating. It can be also complicated by infravesical obstruction. α1-Blockers are used for nonsurgical treatment of dysuria and infravesical obstruction. The purpose of our clinical research was to evaluate efficiency of neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy with α1-blockers in patients with prostate cancer underwent extracorporal radiation treatment or brachytherapy. 80 patients took part in research, randomly divided into 2 groups. First group took α1-blocker Tamsulosin (Tulosin, “Aegis”) 0.4 mg per day once as a neoadjuvant therapy for 3 months before radiation therapy, for 3 months during treatment and for 3 months after the treatment. Control group took placebo in the same scheme. Clinic evaluation was made before α1-blockers treatment, directly before radiation treatment, and 3 months after the treatment in a period of radiation reactions. Neoadjuvant therapy led to significant IPSS score decrease in both groups, Qmax increase and residual volume decrease. Adjuvant therapy with α1-blockers in both extracorporal and interstitial radiation therapy led to significant improvement in urodynamics, IPSS score decrease, Qmax increase, residual volume decrease and quality of life improvement. Analysis made due to this research shows that using α1-blockers (Tulosin) in patients undergoing radiation therapy significantly improve symptoms and voiding disorders.

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