

Number №4, 2013 - page 110-114

Analogue-digital scale application for preoperative assessment of penis state in patients with hypospadias

Rudin Yu.E., Maruhnenko D.V., Garmanova T.N.

Introduction. Hypospadia is one of the most frequent hereditary diseases, which occurs in 1 child pro 200-300 newborns. In spite of the high rate of the hypospadia in the population, there is no common opinion with regard to the severity estimation of this disease and post-operative evaluation of outcomes. The aim of the study was to develop a quantitative scale for the assessment of initial penis status and to evaluate the correlation between the pre-operative scale-based data and post-operative outcomes.

Materials and methods. One hundred and seven patients were included in the study with different forms of hypospadias, which were operated from April 2012 to March 2013. Mean patient age was 4.3±2.3 years (range 10 months – 16 years). Penile status was assessed using aforementioned scale in all patients. Results. Scale application for assessment showed following results: 0-4 points – 10 patients (9.3%), 4-8 points – 48 patients (44.9%), 8-12 points – 35 patients (32.7%) and 12-16 points – 14 patients (13.1%). It was showed, that complications linked to the operation were absent when a scale score was 0-4 points, complication rate was 8.3%, 14.2% and 27.2% in patients with 4-8, 8-12 and 12- 16 points, correspondingly.

Conclusion. Application of the criteria for assessment using a developed scale made the estimation of the initial penis status more precise in patients with hypospadia and therefore could be used for standardized pre-operative assessment and for outcomes prognosis.

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