

Number №4, 2013 - page 104-109

Extracorporeal indirect electrochemical blood oxidation in urology

Ivaschenko V.V., Kirpatovskiy V.I., Chernyshev I.V., Golovanov S.A., Perepanova T.S., Pen'kov P.L., Antonova V.E., Drozhzheva V.V., Sinyuhin V.N., Harlamova L.A.

This article is devoted to the description of the method of extracorporeal indirect electrochemical oxidation (EIEBO) in patients with infectious inflammatory complications and grade I endotoxicosis. The distinguishing feature of the EIEBO from the adopted intracorporeal method of oxidation is that blood is being processed using 0.06% solution of the sodium hypochlorite (SH) within the venous extracorporeal line, created using special equipment. The dose of the 0.06% SH solution, which is used for one seance of the EIEBO, is 0.75 mg/kg. Two liters of patient’s blood are being processed. catheterization of the central vein is not necessary during EIEBO and the latter could be performed in the ambulatory setting.

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