

Number №3, 2010 - page 98-103

Analyses of internet technologies used in urological health problems discussion

Sivkov A.V., Shaderkin I.A., Shaderkina V.A.

Introduction. Monthly nearly 1 000 000 users of Russian part of Internet (Runet) request for information about urological health problems. In given research we tried to evaluate information sources available for Runet users searching for urological health problems management. Materials and Methods. 47 russian language internet sites dedicated to urological health problem discussions were analyzed. The earliest discussion thread was dated by March 3, 2000, the latest site began its work on November 24, 2008. Up to April 11, 2010 (analyzes deadline) total amount of discussion threads about urological health problems was 357369. Results. During research following interaction directions between users were discovered: doctor – patient, patient – patient, patient – user without medical education. Several communication technologies were assessed: e-mail, ICQ, Skype, instant messages services, group discussions, social networks, blogs, web-forums, on-line consultations. Motivation of urologic health problems discussions, conversational forms of consultants and consulted were assessed. Conclusions. Considering the interests of internet sites, were urologic health problems discussed, owners it’s hardly to wait for proper medical help for internet users. In future legislative framework that would regulate consultive work in Runet and will impose the legal responsibility is needed and also will allow legalizing internet sources financing.

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