

Number №2, 2013 - page 10-17

Analysis of morbidity and mortality from uronephrological diseases in the Russian Federation in 2010-2011

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Moskaleva N.G., Solnceva T.V., Komarova V.A.

This study is devoted to the investigation of the urological morbidity according to the official medical statistics in Russian Federation and it’s regions. The analysis was made for the urogenital diseases, including glomerular and tubulointerstitial kidney diseases, other kidney and ureter diseases, renal insufficiency, urolithiasis, prostate diseases, malignant diseases of the urinary bladder, prostate and kidneys. We have investigated the frequency of the malignant diseases of the bladder, prostate and kidney in Russia in years 2010-2011 and the parameters of the mortality linked to the urogenital diseases including malignancies.

It was shown, that maximal primary morbidity for the urogenital diseases for 100 000 persons of population was registered in the Privoljsky Federal District (5832.9). Maximal morbidity for the urological malignancies was marked in the South and Dalnevostochny Federal Districts (10.02 pro 100 000), for the prostate tumors – in Central Federal District (51.45), for the kidney tumors – in Dalnevostochny Federal District (15.73). The mortality linked to the bladder cancer have increased since year 2010 at 1.48%, to the prostate cancer at 2.24% and to the kidney cancer at 0.33%.

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