

Analysis of urological morbidity in the Russian Federation according to official statistics

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Beshliev D.A., Solnceva T.V., Komarova V.A.

Present research was dedicated to urological incidence study according to offi cial medical statistics. To perform research basic parameters data that characterize urological incidence (including oncourological) in Russia during recent years (2002- 2008) was collected and summarized according to offi cial statistics of Russian Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development, reports of regional specialized institutions and state federal statistical monitoring. Data of diseases of genitourinary system, including glomerular, tubulointerstitial kidney diseases, other kidney and ureter diseases, renal failure, kidney stone disease, prostate diseases, male infertility, malignancy of bladder and prostate was analysed. Regions of Russian Federation with minimum and maximum urological incidence and lethality due to urological and oncourological diseases were identifi ed. Increase of urological incidence in the Russian Federation was found, furthermore incidence of kidney stone disease, prostate diseases, renal failure, male infertility and urological malignancies increased. Study results show that data of urological and oncourological incidence is insuffi cient. It is necessary to introduce novel technologies in statistical accounting organization as well as to create urologic disease register with better specifi cation of nosological entity to the benefi t of service management.

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